I prefer NOT to clean..

my car is a disaster, but then again, why shouldn't it. It's vey quickly rusting to nothing, several important features haven't worked properly in ages, the passenger side door, washer fluid, rear defrost, headlight switch, a/c. it hasn't been washed in two years, and considering MN winters that's an eternity. if it were clean inside i'd get more funny looks than i do already. the plus side to my car is that nobody fucks with me. the fools cruising around in $50k SUVs stay as far away from my wreck as possible. i rarely have tailgaters.

I know about that monthly nesting feeling, but I try to not let it get the better of me. *cough*
I folded laundry last night - yay me... only now it sits in a pile so high on my coffee table that I can't watch tv... hehe.. guess I have to put it away.
I haul everything outta my truck once a week, and only put back the stuff that's worth keeping. Everything else goes right into the dumpster. And I do it at work, so I don't get home until it's done. That moves it right along.
We tidy up daily and do heavier stuff on weekends, but the maid does the heavy lifting every other week.
The car's always messy, it's like a portable office sometimes. It's much worse now that my bro's car is dead, all his crap's jammed in there too. He went shopping today and found a 2004 Neon with 15000 miles on it for under $11000. He can't really afford much, but that looks like a pretty good deal.
Stop Laughing said:
The car's always messy, it's like a portable office sometimes. It's much worse now that my bro's car is dead, all his crap's jammed in there too. He went shopping today and found a 2004 Neon with 15000 miles on it for under $11000. He can't really afford much, but that looks like a pretty good deal.


11000 USD is the retail price over here.
What are the specs on that Neon? Also, is he willing to go a year older?

If he's OK with a stick, a Neon back to 2000 would fit the bill quite well. Other than the battery, I haven't had any trouble with it. I think my water problems were due to the people I partied with on New Year's who have trouble getting things closed right on a rainy night, and I can't really blame Mopar for the rock that hit my windshield and cracked it.

I should mention, though, that stuff's not cheap to replace on my car. A new set of tires is probably $250 at minimum (I paid $280 for a set of Toyo Spectrums) and the new windshield will set me back $372.21. It's time to change the timing belt and I'm looking at probably $400-$500 for that. However, I like how the thing drives, and other than the battery, it's never given me any real trouble.
chcr said:
My house was clean once last year, sorry you missed it.
sometimes I wonder if chcr is really my evil twin brother. :D

I don't have kids of my own, but there 3 that run around here all the time. :swing:

Actually I keep most of the house decent most of the time. It's just
my bedroom the looks like a rat-den.
I clean my van(s) out about once a month. Some months are better/worst
than others.
It's super-clean right now.... BF's mother came over yesterday, so the BF spent the night before panicking and cleaning everything away. :rofl: