I really hate laptops...

PostCode said:
So if I give this laptop back to him and it falls apart because of a lacking of screws I can blame you right?

Aw hell, as long as you got the cover screwed back on tight it's not like anything is going to fall OUT of it. At the very worst he'll be back in a month or two cause it's doing screwy things....
Won't work on the damn things. I just pissed my across the street neighbor off by refusing to crack his open.

Go sue somebody else when they fuck it up.
The only one I ever really had a problem with was Rusty's laptop when we needed to replace the keyboard. I found the little catch that was preventing me from removing the old keyboard purely by accident.

Then again, the only other laptops I've worked on were Dells and I always had the service manual with the exact number of screws, sizes, where they went, diagrams... That kind of takes all the fun out of it though.
If you're gonna do a laptop without the manual, there are two simple tools that'll get you through without difficulty. A digital camera, and a chunk of egg-crate foam. Let's you lay out the screws in the exact position they were on the laptop, and there's no chance of them getting jostled outta position accidently. The camera lets you see what was on top of what.
The egg crate is a good idea. I always used paper cups to seperate each "section" of the machine.

See, you're an old pro. No wonder you get to do this all day.
The thing I hate most about laptops is the crappy video chip.

I got a thinkpad, video only has 2 megs of ram and the chip has no 3d capability whatsoever. no opengl no d3d. so i only use it for surfing the net and ripping cds.

And playing worms 2 and starcraft in lan games, since it can at least play those games.
And I don't mean at lan parties. We got several computers here at the house.
laptops + gaming = disappointing, 9 times out of 10. Not only the issue you mentioned, but there are usually several proprietary proggies always running in the background eating memory related to battery monitoring, the shitty little on-keyboard pseudo-mouse, auto CPU throttle-back if the temp hits a certain point, yada-yada.

Those things are good if you have to travel, and that's about it.
Professur said:
If you're gonna try and use a Civic to move a piano you're gonna be disappointed too.


Now, speaking of manuals...wanna see if you have or can somehow acquire a manual for a HP pavilion ze4125?? Just incase I am ever in such a position as to need I...I would know where to get it :D