I resolve.....


New Member
...to not let SnP down......:D

Seriously, I am going to eat healthier and become more organized and have already taken the steps to ensure this.
What's your New Year's Resolution?
Don't make 'em. Never kept a darned one in my life. OTOH, about 18 months or so ago I started going to a gym. Except for a couple of special circumstances, I've gone a minimum of three times per week. That wasn't a resolution, just a decision. If I'd stop eating like a goddamned pig I'd probably lose some weight.
To stop trying to change things that are out of my control.

I would also like to make myself weed out my shoe collection as there is no more room in the closet, under the bed, or in any of my shoe organizers.
My resolution is the same as last year... 1280x1024 on the main system, 1280x800 on the laptop and 1024x768 at work.
It is a little rough.
The past 2 years I gave up something: last year was chocolate and the year before was carbonated beverages.
I dunno what to do this year.
It is a little rough.
The past 2 years I gave up something: last year was chocolate and the year before was carbonated beverages.
I dunno what to do this year.

One year a friend of mine gave up rice...if she wasn't such a good catholic she would have never made it through.
I resolve to make no resolutions --- I don't keep them anyway. LOL

I do plan to have better workouts at Curves. I've been slacking off lately.
Resolutions are usually something you want to obtain or become, Gonz...not something you already are.
