I resolve.....

I resolve to keep my ass out of the hospital, to keep the house from burning down, and to become a stronger Confederate descendant in honor of the most respectable group of people ever assembled under a flag.
for the last....seeveral years, I've pledged the same....
"work less, and make more money"
I think I've topped out on that.:D

I'm going to live everyday, like it was my last.....
I'm gonna lay in bed, and have people bring me things.:D
well maybe not every day.:retard3:

I resolve to keep my ass out of the hospital, to keep the house from burning down, and to become a stronger Confederate descendant in honor of the most respectable group of people ever assembled under a flag.

Keep hoping Lucky :D
Live every day likes it's Saturday & every night like it's New Years Eve.
quit smoking
get chompers back up to snuff
make another million dollars
ya know, the usual stuff