i rock at losing weight!

so, what exactly are each of you doing to lose this weight? what does "exercising" mean?

Lets see...I walk around 3 miles a day. I eat less. I was lifting weights until my back started acting up...again. I was up to 175 on the lower back machine, and 120 on the crunch machine. Bench press was only 150. :mope: 400 pound squats, though. :p All told, about 2 hours every other day in the gym. :shrug: It also helps if the gym is close to the dining hall. Its a huge psychological jolt...
For me, 2x classes @ 45 mins per week (pump aerobics, and step aerobics), 30 mins cardio on the 'off' days (usually on the cross-trainer on interval setting), and (depending on how much I worked out during the week) maybe a weights/cardio session at the uni gym on the weekend. I'm very fortunate to have a gym on the navy base where I work that is free to use, and we get paid Fitness & Development time to attend.

All told, I probably hit the gym 4-6 times per week.
Actually, my "exercise" has consisted mainly of using my 20-pound dumbbells in the morning and some sit-ups with my toes shoved under the couch to hold my feet down. That, and the usual walking over the course of the day. I think the reason why I'm losing at a similar rate to BoP with doing a lot less exercise is because I have so much more weight to lose and it takes more calories to maintain 311.2 pounds than it does to maintain... whatever much lower number BoP is at. I'm down 0.6 pounds between yesterday morning and this morning.
whee! weight loss party up in here!

i know this is bad, but i have not excercised once since i started losing weight. i'm joining a local 24 hour gym soon, though. i can swim laps at night and roller skate.

if i lose .4 lbs this week, i'll have lost a total of 30 lbs. i'm at 173.8 now. i haven't weighed this little since i was barely 13. when i hit the big (little?) 3-0, i'll take celebratory pictures.
Finally moved the scale to the new place. I was at 300.4 this morning... started at 318.8 on Feb. 17. So that means I've lost 18.4 pounds in just about a month. Also, my scale can do body fat percentage and water percentage... my body fat is down about five points since I started and the water is about the same.
It's surprisingly easy to stick with the diet. I guess stepping on the scale and weighing less every morning is addicting. :D
I broke my scale last month. :laugh: I have no idea how much I weigh now. But I feel great. I don't get a sore neck or sore back anymore, I'm able to exercise without my inhaler.

I'm attempting to make a life change, not just a diet. I'm afraid if I make too drastic a change, too quick of a weight loss, that it won't last. Like last time.

Anyway, congrats to everyone watching the scales and liking what they see. :)
and congrats to you too, gf :)
that's the way to do it... a lifestyle change.

my friend (otc member Kittie, actually) wants to join weight watchers, but is afraid it wont work. i keep telling her, it's all up to her. she's in control, and that weight watchers isn't a diet, it's a tool to teach you better ways. she's finally getting the point -- she's coming to our meeting this saturday.

on that note... i'm exactly where i was last time i updated... .4 away from 30lbs lost... because i gained 3 lbs, and then last week, lost those exact 3 lbs! it taught me something... don't eat crappy food out 6 times in a week! i've been limiting myself.
my goal now is to lost that last .4 by my birthday weigh-in, saturday the 29th. i think i can do it.
I think it's easy for me because I've just had to tweak a few litle parts of the diet. I can still go out to eat if I want... I just have to be careful about what I order.
Yeah, it is... kinda makes me wonder why some people find it hard (great, now I just went & jinxed myself :rolleyes: ). :circle:

it's not that the diet is so hard. it's that many people are either on a diet or not on a diet without much in-between. you're either eating normally (and getting fatter) or you're dieting, the latter being a transcient phase. people (at least americans, and perhaps some "culturally similar" peoples) are good at losing weight or gaining weight, but not maintaining weight. it's that elusive "lifestyle change" thingy...
That lifestyle change thing is why I'm glad I've found things at fast-food restaurants I can actually eat. That will come in handy for those times when I'm on the road, lke, say, at a football game 200 miles away that I'm covering for the paper... I know I can stop somewhere and still keep on the diet. Also, as long as I can find out nutrition facts for something, I can afford to splurge every now and then because then I'll know what I need to do elsewhere.

By being able to make those changes, I can take in way less food without suffering. I'm also trying to get myself used to smaller portion sizes. That way I feel full with less food, so I take in fewer calroies that way.

I was at 299.0 this morning... first time below 300 since I was 25.