I should have stayed in bed.

Unc's got it right.

For more than a decade, immigrants from Mexico or Central America have been drawn to Long Island by the prospect of jobs. Many stand on street corners in Farmingville and other communities, waiting for contractors, landscapers and others to offer them a day's work at about $10 an hour.

Then, at night, they go back to their illegally overcrowded single-family homes.

The immigrants, many of whom are believed to have crossed the border illegally, have been a source of tension among longtime residents since at least the late 1990s. Last summer, the head of the Mexican consulate in New York City said Farmingville was "clearly a red zone after the Arizona border" in the abuse of immigrants.

Farmingville is an hour's drive east of where I live. Not west, closer to the city. But east. I've seen them, at least 30, in the parking lot of a 7-11, waiting for landscaping trucks to pick them up.

Anyway, I have no idea what ethnic group the cleaners are, I've never met them. The tin was open when I found it, and I know it was closed when I put it in the box. I just turned it over and had to shake it really hard for the top to come off on it's own.

So you may have a point about the links but it seems silly to steal two little things. I wish the camera next to my desk was turned two inches to the left. Then we could watch the tapes from last night.
greenfreak said:
I'm surprised no one has yet told me it's my fault for leaving an empty box underneath the desk. But Gonz should be along any time now. :D

Actually miss smarty pants, I was gonna say, you're pissed at their actually doing their job?
I recall, at the time of my work incident, leaving a bilingual note -- in English and Spanish -- for said cleaning person to stop tossing stuff willy nilly that she found on or around my desk. You're absolutely right, GF. If it ain't in the garbage, it ain't garbage. :rolleyes:

The strangest thing about my last job is that I had tons of CDs and a stereo laying around at all times, but none of that ever went missing. Maybe Spanish cleaning women don't enjoy Black Sabbath or Charlie Daniels Band. Good. :anifingr:
Professur said:
Too easy to get caught taking that.
Actually, the employees themselves were too busy stealing stereo equipment. I know of at least one woman who went in on a Saturday to lift a stereo and speakers that were due to be installed on my friend's desk on a Monday. Greedy bastards.
Winky said:
Illegal immigration (colonization?):

"bringing the third werld too you"!

We don't have the time nor the inclination to conquer & rebuild tham all.
abooja said:
Actually, the employees themselves were too busy stealing stereo equipment. I know of at least one woman who went in on a Saturday to lift a stereo and speakers that were due to be installed on my friend's desk on a Monday. Greedy bastards.

I've never had a problem with stuff like that. Granted, the well-leafed copy of Guns and Ammo sitting on my desk may have had some influence in that.
We had some laptops and other assorted computer equipment stolen at a previous job and it was always on a weekend. I was questioned because I was one of about 10 people who worked just about every Saturday.

You know who it turned out to be? The guy from the alarm company. He would set off the alarm on purpose, run down to his car, drive a few blocks away, and when the company would dispatch him, he would go back to the building and shut the alarm off. He would tell the police that he was going to do a walk-through to check it out, the police would leave, and he would have the run of the place. There were no cameras, only motion sensors.

But once they started noticing that it was always the same alarm guy, and he always just "happened" to be within 10 minutes of the building, they staked him out and caught him red-handed.
I'm the one that should have stayed in bed. I set my alarm clock for 7:45... and woke up at 8:27. I'd think if I pressed snooze all those times then I'd remember at least one of the times. So then after I got here, I put a dollar in the coke machine and never saw it again.
We have a vending machine like that at work - it's a snack dispenser, and sometimes the junk food will get caught on the wire and 'stick'. God forbid that anything come between me and my chocolate though. I've been known to bash to crap out of the feckin' thing to get my food. :lol: