I sincerely hope

I have my kid's treat bags sitting here looking at me.

must...not...steal...candy...from...children! :banghead:
I say things like...oooh that one is my favourite! and 1/3 they'll hand it over lol
it seems to be working though...

at dinner last night they came in and thanked me for spending so long making such a nice dinner for them. :eek6:

*living in bizarro world*
I woke up today still creeped out over it. Maybe the candy has caused some sort of a temporary chemical imbalance.
Leslie said:
I woke up today still creeped out over it. Maybe the candy has caused some sort of a temporary chemical imbalance.

Just have a nice burger to put those chems back into balance. :D
I gave out 125 hershey bars, 96 Kit-Kats, 96 Twixt bars, and 60~ Charms Blowpops in a little over 2 1/2 hours. I had one person on my driveway running crowd control, one running supply and trash detail, one dispensing candy with the help of the tots after they gave it up for the night, and one person fetching beer and manning the fog machine.

The crowds didn't really start until 6:15. It was a trickle until about 7:00. Thats when all hell broke loose. There were cars, golf carts, a haywagon, 100s of parents and kids littering the roadway for a solid hour. There was a line 4 across and about 8 deep constantly. It was if I was in the silver pit at the NYSE and screamed 'free concert tickets!'.

...a fairly typical year.
One lot of kids knocked at about 6:00pm...

We didn't answer the door.

Trick or treating will NEVER catch on in Blighty too many seriously derranged late teens use young kids as a means of forcibly gaining entry to homes to rob and pillage as it is... without one day to do so in!!!!!
We weren't home this year for halloween due to our goddaughter being born that day. Usually though, we spend about $100.00 on candy, and it all goes within 3 hours. We have lots of kids in our area. Last year there was a group of about 50 kids together. We don't get too many teenagers though. Some do come, but they make us laugh. To get more candy, a couple of teenagers last year sang a song for us. We couldn't say no to more candy.
We got home late working a tournament so no one was home until 6:30. We had 4 bags of candy and ended up with 7 pieces after we were done, so I'd say we guessed right on supply. I stock up afterwards as I'm one of the first to get my hands on the 1/2 price day after stuff. :D It's 75% now, but there's very little left, the only 2 I remember we still have are bubble gum Skittles and Laffy Taffy...
Here in Shit Meadows we had plenty of kids, our street had 2 haunted houses.

We did most of out T&T at a museum of old houses like an 1880's neighborhood on Saturday night.

I love living in a consevitive little town, weez'z ol' timey like here.
Professur said:
We just edit the stuff we like outta the kids bags during 'inspection'.

My dad always did that with my chocolates that had rice krispies in them! (mine and his favourite) When I got a bit older but still young enough to have mom come with me I got smart and used to scower my bag and find them and have them "approved" and eat them before I got home :D

My dad used to stay home and give out the candy :)
unclehobart said:
I gave out 125 hershey bars, 96 Kit-Kats, 96 Twixt bars, and 60~ Charms Blowpops in a little over 2 1/2 hours. I had one person on my driveway running crowd control, one running supply and trash detail, one dispensing candy with the help of the tots after they gave it up for the night, and one person fetching beer and manning the fog machine.

The crowds didn't really start until 6:15. It was a trickle until about 7:00. Thats when all hell broke loose. There were cars, golf carts, a haywagon, 100s of parents and kids littering the roadway for a solid hour. There was a line 4 across and about 8 deep constantly. It was if I was in the silver pit at the NYSE and screamed 'free concert tickets!'.

...a fairly typical year.

And yet again I have received no halloween candy package in the mail! :crying4:

I even showed you pics of me in my ears last year!! Here is one again incase you have forgotten...
ResearchMonkey said:
Here in Shit Meadows we had plenty of kids, our street had 2 haunted houses.

We did most of out T&T at a museum of old houses like an 1880's neighborhood on Saturday night.

I love living in a consevitive little town, weez'z ol' timey like here.

Speaking of Dead Racoon Stink Meadows Creek Crossing... ;)
Sharky said:
The area I live in (Vernon, FL) is rural and very spread out, so they had a deal this year where most of the the shop owners in town set up tables on the sidewalks and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. There were Halloween decorations everywhere, and almost everybody was in costume. It was great for the kids, and the adults had a good time, too.

Afterwards we loaded a hay wagon with coolers full of fish and oysters and beer, tables and chairs, etc., and a couple of gas grills. I hitched it to my tractor and we hauled it out into the middle of a peanut field and lit off the bonfire we had prepared earlier in the day, and grilled fish and steamed oysters and drank beer. It was a blast.

Thats what I did this year with the boyz, took them to dearborn street-vendors closed doors to business and the kids go trick or treating, music, food, etc...Actually though i didnt like it, where i grew up we literally had to take pillow cases and make several stops home to dump them, you could never run fast enough, Ahh the good ol' days eh??? Not like that anymore thats for sure....
As for the bon fire and peanut field though, cant say i ever did that sharky :) , but sounds like you a a fun time.... :winkkiss: kid at heart i'd say.
No one ever comes to our place for Halloween ... you would think that being 10 acres away from the nearest neighbor is like walking to the moon or something. :lloyd: