I skipped school today...


New Member
My sadistic roommate had me up until 2:30 this morning playing Halo. When the alarm when off at 7:30 I turned if off.

I quickly realized I was in no mood to get up, iron dress clothes, and go to school for our weekly critique when: a) I didn't have anything to turn in for critique b) neither does half the class c) I'd be leaving by 11:00 anyway.

So here I am.

Thanks for listening.

up until 2.30 on halo is probably better than up until 4 posting about naan bread on here...

Halo is one of those 1st person blow-up-all-the-aliens games to try and save the universe. So far once I've driven a tank. You can run people over. They also fly across the board when you land a tank round next to them.

I also want to say that I heard that Halo was associated with the sniper attacks. Something about those guys played the game a lot. You know suddenly I feel the urge to kill, kill, kill......
[b said:
]I also want to say that I heard that Halo was associated with the sniper attacks. Something about those guys played the game a lot. You know suddenly I feel the urge to kill, kill, kill......
if videogames affected us as kids we'd all be running round in darkened rooms munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music...

oh... hang on... :eek:
I was up 2 hours past my bedtime playing The Sims. I played it once before and now tonight, I'll probably eat my dinner in front of the computer just so I can play it. It has a hold on me already. :eek:
It is a rather addictive little game. You can't really rush it at all either. I played it for a couple weeks, haven't played since the night I stayed up til 4 to add on to my house (simhouse).
I'm learning slowly how to alter their moods to get them promotions at work and thus, more money for improvements. A second floor would be nice and some of the goodies like a jacuzzi.

I wasn't paying enough attention to one of the character's bladder level and I had her drink a cup of espresso. She peed right on the kitchen floor. I was laughing so hard, I almost wet myself. LOL

How long till I can go to the other houses? I'm starting to get curious about them.
nambit said:
if videogames affected us as kids we'd all be running round in darkened rooms munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music...

oh... hang on... :eek:

How do you know what I do?
lol something similar happened to me :)
a few days ago I was playing Wolfenstein (a computer game, much like halo, except a lot more violent. rated 18+ y/o) until 2:30AM with my Ultimate Assasins buddies :)

I never really got into the Sims. I built the house, the people were pissin me off, .They were complaining. I put them in the pool and deleted the ladder.

I never really got into Halo, the strafe joystikc was a bit hard. But that was in the summer, now I strafe like crazy.
greenfreak said:
How long till I can go to the other houses? I'm starting to get curious about them.

I haven't figured that out myself yet, but I know you can play as the people in the other houses, then have your other character come over and visit.