I suppose it makes me a bad person but...


Too cute for words
I lauged my ass off.

Luis - Fallwell was the wacko that instead Tinkywinky was gay because he carried a purse. Nevermind that it was a fictious toddler's show character that had no mention of sexuality period.
Luis - Fallwell was the wacko that instead Tinkywinky was gay because he carried a purse. Nevermind that it was a fictious toddler's show character that had no mention of sexuality period.

Thanks. I'm glad I didn't have to figure out how to explain that.
Luis - Fallwell was the wacko that instead Tinkywinky was gay because he carried a purse. Nevermind that it was a fictious toddler's show character that had no mention of sexuality period.

And I assume he's dead now :lol:
I don't recall Falwell or Robertson ever ordering a single homicide bombing :shrug: Maybe I missed that meeting.