I think someone tried to send me a virus



On a yahoo account, I got an email that claims to be from [email protected] titled: "Your password". The email says: All information is in the attached file.

The ip comes from: Charter Communications.

Anyone else get one of these? This email address is pretty new and never been used much including at any message boards.
I was hoping someone here could direct me to an article on it. I saw it somewhere.
bubba said:
I hate viruses.
heh, have you met my friend?
Someone tried to send the same thing to my spam-collector e-mail address (it used to be my main one before I went off to school). Norton caught the virus as the e-mail was still downloading off the server.
sadly, i am sure there are a lot of m$ users out there who wouldn't think twice about opening an email from what they consider to be a 'trusted' source.

i don't know waht's more annoying, a virus that plys on the trust of users in microsoft or that people had that much trust in m$ in the first place... :D