I thought Atlanta drivers were bad


New Member
until I went through Tennessee this weekend. Had to go through Chattanooga to Nashville and over to Memphis for a wedding. Passed through Murfreesboro, chcr, and ended in Memphis, Mitchshaft, and I gotta tell ya'll that your friends and neighbors can't drive for shit. It was amazingly bad, and that comes form a guy who's handled Atlanta traffic for 15 years.

i was in Tennessee a few years back and i thought just the opposite.
i got so used to the slower pace and general courtesy that when i got home i had a tough time re-adjusting to the way people drive here.
they dont have a thing on Boston drivers....:D
Driving skills in North America:

<some states/provinces>
<some states/provinces>

If you want to add rest of the world in, put south east asia under Quebec. :retard4:
You drove through the 'boro? How many people pulled out in front of you or cut you off? You notice how you can tell people who aren't from around here by the way they use their turn signals? I agree, HomeLAN, I lived lots of places, and I've never seen worse. Not even in New Jersey. Oh, if you noticed a big Goodyear sign by the side of I-24, that's where I work. It's right next to the freeway.

Professur said:
I didn't find driving in Nashville all that tough. Pretty polite in fact.
I don't find it that way at all. I try to avoid going to Nashville whenever possible. It's been years, but I thought the drivers in Montreal were okay.
Across teh board, Chicago drivers rate as piss poor & Ohio, well, do I need to go on?
Strangely enough, I don't blame the Buckeyes (worthless nuts) as much as I blame an overzealous & predominately vile highway patrol. The drivers have been trained to be improperly cautious & dangerously paranoid. The entire state ups their annual income, probably 10fold or more, by emphasizing speed limits over logic. Imagine, running down the freeway (or tollway) at 65 MPH & suddenly & without warning, every driver on the road (and I do mean every) literally slams on their brakes. They don't bump the cruise off, they actually slow to 5mph UNDER the friggin limit. Why? Because, in the middle are 2, 3, 5, 10 cops, with laser, just looking to make a buck. This isn't an ocassional phenomena. It happens day in & day out 365 days a year.

From the PA line to the IN line, along I-80, it's 234 miles. One Thursday, I was heading back from NYC. Minding my ouwn business, chit-chatting on the radio when I start to notice a pattern. I kid you not, there was a cop every 4 miles from MM198 to MM76. Most were working for a living & some were waiting to work. Poised & ready for some truckdriver with a time critical load to be going 4 miles over the limit or some weekend warrior heading off to do a little fishing to go blasting by at a whopping 71MPH+ MPH.

It's not only freeways. They pull this crap on state highways & even county roads. There is a city, near Cleveland, that was expanded just to encompass a small section of freeway. That 1/4 mile of highway had it's speed limit lowered to 55MPH. No signs, no warning, nothing. That city makes $250,000. a year by having ONE of it's three city officer sit on the side of the freeway & bust "speeders".

chcr said:
You drove through the 'boro? How many people pulled out in front of you or cut you off?

As many as had the chance.

chcr said:
You notice how you can tell people who aren't from around here by the way they use their turn signals?

That's exactly what I said to the wife (between bouts of cussing the TN DOT. Do ya'll have ANY roads free of construction delays?)

chcr said:
I agree, HomeLAN, I lived lots of places, and I've never seen worse. Not even in New Jersey.

I have, but only in Boston and DC.

chcr said:
Oh, if you noticed a big Goodyear sign by the side of I-24, that's where I work. It's right next to the freeway.

No shit? I shoulda called ahead and arranged to meet ya for lunch.
chcr said:
I don't find it that way at all. I try to avoid going to Nashville whenever possible.

Nashville wasn't extremely horrible. Not like Chattanooga and Memphis. Those people are fucking nuts.
HomeLAN said:
No shit? I shoulda called ahead and arranged to meet ya for lunch.
Note that I don't work on the weekends. Other than that, sure.
HomeLAN said:
I have, but only in Boston and DC.
Only been to Boston twice, I don't remember it being that bad, but it was a long time ago. You're right about DC. My son used to be stationed in Dover.

I agree that Nashville isn't as bad as Memphis, but I've never had much trouble around Chattanooga myself.
Gonz, that little town near Cleveland was featured in Car and Driver magazine a few years back because of what a nasty speed trap it is.
I've come to the conclusion that there are bad drivers everywhere, but the number is vastly increased when you get near a major city.

I once joked with Rusty about driving in Florida and told him that I saw more people making right turns from the *left* lane across three lanes of traffic in the 9 months I was there than in years of driving in NY. I call it a "Florida turn". Last week, we saw someone do that very thing and guess what? They had Florida plates. :laugh:
You know, greenie, I have come to the conclusion that they can't all be as bad as they seem to be to me. There simply aren't enough accidents. :shrug:
This is probably for another thread, but I think the test to get your driver's license should be much more difficult.
I agree. And I think you shouldn't have just one test. I think you should get retested throughout your life to make sure you're not a hazard. I had a 81 year old landlady years ago who's eyesight was so bad from cataracts, she needed surgery. But that didn't stop her from getting behind the wheel of a car. :eek:
My mom is almost that bad. I'm the evil son, because I'm the only one that will say so.