I was gonna wait...but...

Nixy said:
No, no, the 2x4 is only for the boys who treat me like dirt...he'll only be coming if he treats me good.
If he treats you well enough, you'll both be coming... wait... did that slip out?
Inkara1 said:
If he treats you well enough, you'll both be coming... wait... did that slip out?
:laugh5: thanks inky for a remind of an old navy memory...anyone know what a check valve is?
Well, he is treating me like gold so far. I met him on an online dating site and in almost a year he's the first guy who has acknowledged that he is officially dating me...hehehe Nixy is OFF THE MARKET
tonksy said:
*wonders if pauly will let me borrow his tiara for the BBQ....

Too bad it was a rented one, but mine is always there for the using.

Nix, I'm so glad you're happy. Sometimes you have to wait for the good ones, and when they do come along, it's a wonderful feeling. I'm really happy for you.

I get to sleep in his Queen size bed on Sat :D

As in...we're going out and to get back to my mom's place and his parent's place would cost us each a pretty penny from the bar we're going to for my friend's birthday...he doesn't really stay at his apartment (he is planning to move out and save for a condo cause he hates his apt) but it's SO close to the bar so we're gonna crash there and he's giving me his bed for the night...now that's what I call respect and caring. Now, I'm not gonna make him sleep on the couch...cause I'm the type who's OK with sharing a bed and just sleeping. So, of course I'll tell him it's ok for him to sleep in the bed too cause I know his intentions are honest so it'll be all good and he won't take advantage of drunk lil me.
2X4's are also for effective threat-making. Paul and Prof, give him a warning from me while you're at it. Us southern boys can do real damage with baseball bats if provoked.
awwwww I just called him to tell him that I might be a little bit later than expected picking him up for our lunch date and he sounded genuinely happy to hear my voice *melts*
HomeLAN said:
2X4's are also for effective threat-making. Paul and Prof, give him a warning from me while you're at it. Us southern boys can do real damage with baseball bats if provoked.

the 2x4 is all Prof.

I have a 3 foot long machete.
Boys, boys, boys...he treats me like gold. Bought me lunch today, was nice :)
*dances around singing "Nixy's got a bf, Nixy's got a bf"*

And he cooked me breakfast AND dinner today!!!
Nixy said:
And on Friday he gave me and pink and a red rose :D