I was just wondering ...


Well-Known Member
.. if any of you who live around each other and hang out (like Scanty and MuFu, Steve and Rob, etc), talk about the board when you're not around a computer?

sometimes me and ku'u will be hanging out at home and we'll be talking about a particular thread or I'll ask her if she saw the thread about blah blah blah ... so I was just wondering if anyone else does that or is it just us?

when brainsoft used to visit the same sites we woudl sometimes discuss them.
Nixy said:
when brainsoft used to visit the same sites we woudl sometimes discuss them.
Hm, while my coworkers know of this website, we don't discuss it as is, except for Nixy (Mike the cheerleader remembers you lol) and PuterTutor (they are obsessed with my title).
A little. Nothing all that grand. I can't recall spending more than 5-10 minutes of time discussing the boards either with Steve or Mark. The standard 'here and now' always takes over. I've had face time with a good dozen people from the boards. Board talk was pretty much only brought up if someone happened to be in front of a comp and surfing the site at the time. Just to point something out.
I know no one in this area from any of these boards. I need a vacation. Are we ever gonna do the board get-together somewhere or what? If not, where's a good place to go on May 4th? ;) :D :cocktail: :drink: :beerdrnk:
LastLegionary said:
Nixy said:
when brainsoft used to visit the same sites we woudl sometimes discuss them.
Hm, while my coworkers know of this website, we don't discuss it as is, except for Nixy (Mike the cheerleader remembers you lol) and PuterTutor (they are obsessed with my title).

You discuss me with your co-workers? Because of your title? I'm going to have to think on this one.
I discuss it with my wife, on occasion, but usually not the site, per se, but more what was said on the site. Mostly Real World stuff.
not certain but think she might be home for a few days, i know she was intending to go back but i have a bad memoery for dates that aren't 'tomorrow'
PuterTutor said:
LastLegionary said:
Nixy said:
when brainsoft used to visit the same sites we woudl sometimes discuss them.
Hm, while my coworkers know of this website, we don't discuss it as is, except for Nixy (Mike the cheerleader remembers you lol) and PuterTutor (they are obsessed with my title).

You discuss me with your co-workers? Because of your title? I'm going to have to think on this one.
lol, this one guy like to read your posts, and was quite amused at the title
Not too much. I tend to discuss it more with my wife then with Unc, and she doesn't even come to BBS's.