i went to run earlier this morning

Luis G

Staff member
:eek:.......yes the most drunkie member of otc decided to get rid of the damn fat belly (you know....the beer belly).

My decision to do it was taken yesterday, while i was buying clothes, i tried a shirt that was kinda fit, while i was stand up it looked nice, but when i sat, ........ack.......i just saw this horrible belly. I had to buy it a size larger........:mad2:

today i went to run with a friend, geez, i (we) could only run for 5 minutes......being sit in front of the computer and driving everywhere is screwing me.

now......if i just could stop drinking..........:p
Just don't drink too much. Eat healthy and on regular basis.
And don't start exercising too much at a time. Five minutes of running is a good start.
Just make a schedule: first week 5 min on 2 days, 7 min. on two other days.
One day rest.
Second week: 7 min. on 2 days, 9 on two other days.
Onde day rest.

Etc. Don't ask too much from yourself too quickly. That's a mistake a lot of people make. And bring some variation into your training schedule. Go ride a bike for half an hour or something. And do push-ups, sit-ups crunches...that'll make that belly go away. No just by running.

And most important: DON'T FORGET YOUR WARMING UP!
At least 10 minutes! Yes, it is longer than you'll be running, but don't torture all your muscles by not doing it.
And drink before you get thirsty.

Just a few things you'd might want to consider :)
Oh, and when you do, a little bit of drinking really doesn't hurt...every day a beer or glass of wine doesn't matter very much then.

But when you're getting the hold on sports, you won't bother drinking that much anymore!
yes, i'm doing light exercizing in the morning and in the night.

a few push-ups, and......."abdominals"??? (you probly know what i mean).

i was exercizing that way until yesterday, when i decided to add running to the routine.
Luis, how old are you? Some people go through changes in their metabolism as they get older and the bad habits start taking their toll. When you're used to one way of doing things, eating and drinking whatever you want, and then it starts adding on the pounds, losing the first few can be tough.

I concur with everything Shadowfax said. If you're doing 'abdominals' ("crunches"), make sure you do the side abs also so they're evenly worked. Keep in mind that crunches and push ups can hurt your back if not done right so stretch your back out too.

As far as what you eat, I've had great success by making changes here and there in my routines. For my coffee, I use Equal (non-sugar sweetener) instead of sugar, 2% milk instead of half and half, water instead of iced tea, and I stay away from high-carb/high-fat foods. I really cut down on my pasta and breads because it was my downfall, everytime.

Good luck with it Luis, I wish I could go running with you. It's cool when you have someone to run with or some music to listen to... :D
And whatever you do, don't fall for the fad diets. A good diet and good exercise are your best bets - but both require effort and self-discipline.
my eating is not healthy, i know that........

gf: i'm 22, thx for the other advices, thus far, the only thing i have modified on my diet is: less sodas, and less bread. nothing more nothing less. btw, i heard around there that you're losing weight, is it true, how do you feel?

janimal: i know for a fact that starving to death does not work and i consider it weak, i better go out and work out the body in order to burn the fat. :D
on a side note: i'm 1.83m, 67kg, pants size 30-32.

The origin of my belly
ok, so i used to have a great abdomen, until i went into surgery (a few bad veins), the moment i wake up i see this horrible belly, and i was told that it was just some inflamatory belly because of the surgery, i believed it, a few months go by and the damn belly is still there, and i can certainly feel how the fat is covering my abdomen muscles, but i was too lazzy and too depressed to work that out.

Then i started to drink more and it only got a little worse, then i stopped walking and started to drive all the time, worse belly.....a few weeks ago i decided to get rid of it, and i was accomplishing it, until i went to Leon, i drank daily and i used to ate too much and too unhealthy, result.......big belly in just 2 weeks.

so now i'm decided to get rid of those stupid 2cm (that's less than an inch) of fat i have over my muscles. :D
Luis G said:
my eating is not healthy, i know that........

gf: i'm 22, thx for the other advices, thus far, the only thing i have modified on my diet is: less sodas, and less bread. nothing more nothing less. btw, i heard around there that you're losing weight, is it true, how do you feel?

At my best, I lost 30 pounds. I don't know what I am now because on my road trips for work, I went WAY off my diet. I'm still thinner than I was this time last year because the people I visited each summer noticed that I had lost weight. That was very cool. :cool:

I don't exercise. At all. Tonight we're going for a walk though... to TCBY for some frozen yogurt :D I have the eating thing down ok, it's the exercise that I have to do. I'm just damn lazy.
yeah, i used to try getting rid of this stupid belly by modifying certain eating habits.......no good.

TIP: go to buy some clothes, try something fit, see how awful it looks, it will motivate you to start exercizing :D :D
You need to do it like Dave in the Full Monty, and wrap cling film around your waist while sitting in the shed eating a mars bar.
That's the best thing to do, I reckon.
:laugh: :laugh:

well, i could use that.......but.....*ahem* what about having sex? *ahem*
Luis G said:
:laugh: :laugh:

well, i could use that.......but.....*ahem* what about having sex? *ahem*

I dunno, mate - the cling film would fuck up your Chi slightly.

Probably best unwrap yourself before sex. Unless that was a propostion of course - in which case you better back off a bit before I beat yo' ass. :D
Baby oil on a waterbed with no sheets is the kinkiest I've had. But if you try it, be careful, you can seriously hurt yourself doing that.
I'm not even going to get into kinky stores! *backs up with hands in the air*