i wish i effing knew...


New Member
my significant other expressed displeasure at the fact that i "want all these things in life" yet i "don't take the steps to get there"

i wish i knew what it is i wanted, tho.
what is it i want?
maybe if i knew, i could take the fucking steps.

he says i need to figure out what i want in life.
this, of course, comming from someone who seems to have no greater clue than i do.

i just turned 18. suddenly i'm supposed to know all the ambitions of my life.
and i'm supposed to be able to achieve them.

how is this possible, reasonable, or realistic?

but the thing that really bothers me is that i'm supposed to figure out the answer to a question i've never heard, essentially.
i'm supposed to work towards goals i dont even have yet.

jeez i wish that made sense.

i dunno.

i'm just rambling.

i dont expect many replies.
I'm 22, and I'm by no means ahead of you on those things, but I don't let it get to me. Take things one at a time and you won't be overwhelmed, that's what I'm doing. Granted, I could be better off, but I could also be worse... :shrug:
ash hun...it's always gonna change, you'll never know till you're in it what you want to do...and circumstances will change and you might just have to or want to start all over again.

what thing in life is he saying you're not working towards?
maybe if we crack it down a bit we can figure out where he's going with this aside from the first impression of dickwad.
You may not know what but I bet you can easily kick out the what-not's. Everything starts with movement. Stand still & get buried. Move & you begin a journey with no destination. Just keep in mind that all roads are connected...and I do mean all...so be careful which you travel today because it may bite you tomorrow.
Ash kiddo, yer 18.....there is only one thing yer should want at the mo' and that is everything ........ see everything, touch everything (in line with propriety o' course), taste, smell, hear and enjoy everything! :) ... how can yer possibly know wot yer want until yer have experienced as much as possible? :D

That is what university is for.

Yup.......excellent advice :) I would also recommend booze, mind altering drugs and lots of great sex. Most of us are lucky and manage to combine all four when a teen :swing:
And now, Inkara1 presents a deep thought:

Life's a journey, not a destination.

This deep thought has been brought to you by the number 9 and the letters R and V.
Leslie said:
ash hun...it's always gonna change, you'll never know till you're in it what you want to do...

I'm gonna have to add a big HELL YEAH! here.

You just kinda gotta jump blindly sometimes I hope to land somewhere you like. Hell, when I applied to Uni I had NO idea what I wanted to do...someone mentioned Civil Engineering, I thought "Sounds interesting" and with no more info than that I applied, got accepted, started Uni having very little idea what I was getting into and I love it. If you think to much about stuff then you're gonna miss great opportunities, that is the beauty of being young. You can just go for it without having to think to much!
ash, don't worry about not having concrete plans or goals at the moment... as others have already said, this is your time to explore the world and discover yourself... and that journey never really ends (or at least it shouldn't, imho ;) )
Leslie said:
maybe if we crack it down a bit we can figure out where he's going with this aside from the first impression of dickwad.

that's my first impression.
ash, how significant is this other?