I would like to thank you


molṑn labé
Staff member
We got our federal bribery check today. Which means that we'll pay zero federal taxesd this year. (I need to put the old lady to work damnit). For those of you making more than we do, I appreciate your carrying the burden.
At least you got yours. Due to our SS numbers --- we're the last checks in July. If there's any money left to send by then.
my mom filed, but I didn't

I don't want their tax handouts, if they'll just leave me alone.

if I paid in regular, it'd be different.

I see NO problem with citizens that have been paying in at least some,
getting all they can.:headbang:
We got our federal bribery check today. Which means that we'll pay zero federal taxesd this year. (I need to put the old lady to work damnit). For those of you making more than we do, I appreciate your carrying the burden.

sure, we're happy to carry the baggage along. please continue to cheer on the war that isn't spending your money. :hmm:
TRL, that's why you should use direct deposit. It's fast, easy, and even if your social ends in 99 you'd have it by the middle of May. :p

The last two of mine are 09, but it hasn't shown up in my account yet. :grumble: Lori went the paper check route and she should have hers by mid-June, I hope.
Got this from another site

Subject: IRS Rebate
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:20:41 +0000

How to use Your IRS Rebate check...

As you may have heard, each of us will be getting a tax rebate check to stimulate the economy.

If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China .

If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.

If we purchase a computer it will go to India .

If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to Honduras , and Guatemala.

If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan .

If we purchase useless stuff it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America.

The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it at yard sales , since those are the only
businesses left owned by Americans!!!!!
I learned awhile ago that the government (atleast the Canadian government...or maybe it was Ontario government) uses weird ways to figure out who gets a rebate cheque. They did energy rebates a few years ago when energy prices were extremely high and the power companies made stupid amounts of money. Anyway, I got an energy rebate cheque and my mom didn't. I'd never paid an energy bill in my life and my mom had been paying gas and hydro for years. They did it solely based on income, anyone under a certain level got one. I thought that was ridiculous, why should I get money back because someone else was over charged?
Mine came in this morning :D

I'll be paying bills with it. Really stimulating the economy here.