IBM 120gig 8MB Cache woohoo!

Professur said:
That's only if the packer doesn't know his trade. I used to ship clocks, Royal Doulton, Rolex's from Mtl to Vancouver in peanuts with zero damage.

Then again, what I saw on WD's web site was probably written for the average layman shipping a drive back to the factory.
I've thought about it and decided I don't need anything nearly that big. I'm thinking about a 7200 rpm 80 gb, either WD or Seagate.
I've had the WD since Christmas, Bubba (I love my wife, she buys me stuff I want). I've been pleased so far.
I ordered a WD 120 7200 rpm with 2 mb cache. I didn't have a lot to spend on the machine I am building and opted for the 2 mb version instead of the 8 mb. I thought about going for a 80 gb, but the 120 wasn't that much more.

I used think Maxtor was the best but had 2 of them defective this year.
You should be happy with that. My next one is going to be something like that, and soon, I hope. Running out of space as it is now. I do think I'll go with the 8mb though, I've heard it makes quite a difference too.
I bet it will be great.

I also saw a 160 gb drive that was 5400 rpm for $135.
Neighbour's 60GXP just died.

*whirr-whirr-whirr-whirr... whirr-whirr-whirr-whirr...*

I looked at the IBM but couldn't imagine putting one in my computer.
I think my 45 gig ibm just died. My beautiful isos might be gone! :( :(

But i gots my wd 120 8mb in. paid just 40 for that and a 48x cdrw.

Dont get ibm. :( :( :(

This post is gay.
Just gots me a 160 GB WD for 120 after all the rebate hassle. Works good now but the 137 GB barrier was a new thing for me to overcome, not a big deal really.

Huge hard drives scare me, cause unless you are backin up that amound its alot to loose.\

I use mine for video editiing and backing up dvd's and the like so its just temp space mostly for me.

I keep my cant loose stuff on 2 - 40 gig seagates.