

New Member

I might visit Iceland in the summer next year, and I was wondering...

1. Is it really as warm as they say it is? I hear the climate is very nice in the summer.
2. I was told that it gets dark there for a long time in the winter(but then again this could be a foolish joke, that's why I'm asking)
3. Quite a few people speak English(despite that language not being the official language of the country)
Reykjavik is a really nice town. Yes it does get warm there, primarily because of all the hot water springs. In the winter the nights are very long and the days are very short. If you have a money, take a cruise ship to Greenland. :)

Just be prepared to spend a lot of money. A beer is easily $7 to $9 and a pizza $25. They can't exactly grow the stuff locally so pretty much everything is imported. And kind of horribly expensive.
Don't take a cruiseship unless you're over 50. They're boring. Long long winter nights and long long summer days. Either way it will mess with your head like you have no idea. that alaska cruise I had to go on....:(

Anyway, I still want to visit it. Maybe during spring things are just right :p
Alaska huh? Did you happen to stop in Ketchikan? It's the first/last city you come to in Alaska depending on which way you're going. That's where i live.
Ya, I vaguely remember that stop...I was only 9 at the fact that sticks out though is that I spent all of my time on board the ship playing my Gameboy or watching TV...and my family went on this cruise to get away from our monotonous lives...:D
Like i said, cruiseships suck unless you're old. It's like being stuck in a casino without any hookers and who wants that? I'll fly any day.