IE7 bug fix exploited... again


Well-Known Member
Hackers jump on newest IE7 bug
Vulnerability patched 7 days ago now under attack, say researchers

February 17, 2009 (Computerworld) Attackers are already exploiting a bug in Internet Explorer 7 that Microsoft Corp. patched just last week, security researchers warned today.


The new attack code, which Trend Micro dubbed "XML_Dloadr.a," arrives in a spam message as a malicious file masquerading as a Microsoft Word document. If the fake document is opened, the exploit hijacks PCs that have not been patched with the MS09-002 security update Microsoft issued last Tuesday as part of its eight-patch February batch of fixes.
I usually put iexplore.exe attributes to deny everything. Also, my windows is still on ie6 (or 5 dunno).