if i hadn't seen it...

put that kind of music on this, or an other, site.

I will but with new jobs comes less vacation :(
nalani said:
y'all can shut up ... we're paying $2.72, and that's the lowest it's been in months ... :p
That's only seven cents more than I paid yesterday... and that's the cheapest it's been in months.
Talking to myself and feeling old

Sometimes I'd like to quit

Nothing ever seems to fit

Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
$1.979 when I got some gas on Friday. Low gas tax - New Jersey's one redeeming factor. We're a good $0.40 below New York. I felt all warm inside when $10 took the gas needle from Empty to just over a half tank. Much more than a half tank and it starts leaking. Stupid leaking gas tank. That and the cracked windshield and rusted-out exhaust system and the broken fender are the only things keeping me from registering the car in New Jersey instead of New York.
unclehobart said:
Gotta tack on the 19-21 extra for premium.

Well, be more specific...you almost gave poor Homey a heartattach :p

We talk in regular in there here part :lloyd:
gotta remember Uncy is a Rich guy
and has them new-fangled types
of high end auto's that run best only
on 'the good stuff'

ain't modern microprocessor driven engine
controls wunderful if you put high n-heptane rated
fuel in em' they just back off and keep running
unclehobart said:
Gotta tack on the 19-21 extra for premium.

Regular is the benchmark here, m'boy, not premium. I use mid-grade, but still quote regular prices. You still got shaved for about a nickle a gallon.

BTW, now sub-$2 at the same QT.