If Life could be different?


New Member
You know I wish sometimes i could be a Genie or something - and just go back in time or tell the future and make things right or go back and do things all over the way "I" think they should be. Why? Couldn't life be easy and, love always last forever, and hearts never be broken.
Here I am at 34 - with 2 children- and I NEVER in my wildest dreams imagined I would be where I am and what I doing. I wanted so much different than I have. But all in all, I am greatful for what I do have, things I've learned along the way, and to saomeday Be HAPPY again.
To feel joy everyday, and REALLY look at life with a different perspective than I have now. Guess this should have been a new venting thread Huh?

What would you change in your life if you had one chance to do something again?

I think - I would wish I was not a worrier and more easy going, learn to sit back and really enjoy life. Don't rush all the time.
there are a few things i'd like to change about the past, but it would alter who i am today.
to quote Popeye "i am what i am".
There's only one thing i would change in my life: the way I treated some people. :(
In a way I wouldn't want to change my past in any way since it would in fact alter who I am today. BUt on the other hand, i am not sure I like who I am today. I wish I was less emotional. I wish I had the hard outer shell that I portray and that it would never come off.
I wouldn't change a thing. As irritating & boring as it may get I've enjoyed the trip. All those experiences have made me what I am today.

A bitter, cold-hearted heathen. :banana:
There are many things I'd love to change, but that would probably change me so much I'd not be able to recognise myself.

The things that have happened in the past have brought some pretty amazing people into my life & I fear if I changed anything that had happened I might lose one or two of them - not worth it in the end, they mean too much to me to give up on a whim.
It's funny how we always talk about wanting to change things that we've done or that have happened in the past, but when it comes to the crunch we change our minds. Retrospectively I would have liked to gone to university when I was much younger, but thinking about the person I was then I don't think I would have stuck it out and I could have done with a bit less physical and emotional pain. But no, I wouldn't change a thing really because fundamentally I like being who I am... even if I am a pain sometimes. :)
re : if life could be different

so serious people!
as for me.........
i would have never tried a certain brand of 2 minutes noodles, i now am addicted to them and eat them almost every day. i also wish i had never tried sushi, i'm hooked on that too.
taken my relationship more seriously.

maybe not have ever had a one night stand

learned to drive earlier
i would have kissed shamu at seaworld when i was 8, instead of chickening out.

i would not have put my cd walkman whereever it is that i put it...

i would never have shelled out $50 for a pair of white gogo boots that i was destined to lose before i ever got to wear them.

but you can't. if you're lucky you can change your future, though.
I think I would have made sure the A&R guy from Arista was out of earshot before I called him an oily fuckhead in 1985. Other than that, I've been pretty happy with it.
Re: re : if life could be different

dragonstar said:
so serious people!
as for me.........
i would have never tried a certain brand of 2 minutes noodles, i now am addicted to them and eat them almost every day. i also wish i had never tried sushi, i'm hooked on that too.
Yeah, come to think of it, I wish they'd never invented chop chip cookies... morello cherry ice-cream... kitkats... sour cream and chive chips/crisps... chips/french fries with tomato ketchup... onion bagels with smoked ham, cheese and salad... chicken salad bagels... belgian buns filled with fresh cream... which reminds me, there's one sitting next to me on the desk.... umm, umm, ummumm, ummmmmmmmm.... :licklips:
My biggest regret is that I have always lived up to my obligations... I wish that I had blown off the professional commitments I had made when I was in my early 20s and moved to Europe.
I suppose if I changed too many aspects of my life, as so many have mentioned here, that I would change who I am today. But I can still think of a few things I would like to change and I think would not alter my life too significantly. I wish I hadn't gone to school in Boston for those 6 months. I wish I hadn't felt like I should settle for something below what I really wanted in life. Then again, I say that these might be small things - but who knows how something that seems so small could make a major difference in life? :confused:
I think that I would've gone back and convinced my father to accept those 3 postings that he turned down because he felt that it would upset my sister and my lives.

2 years in the UAE
2 years in Brasil
2 years in South America

I wish taht I'd practiced my Spanish more often so that I could talk to my inlaws better than I do now

I wish that I'd taken the Fine Arts route instead of the Social Arts route when leaving high school.


Nah...foget it all...I like me as I am now :)