Winky said:Like it would be better to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against NK than it would to have LA and SF vaporized?
Gonz said:Now this thread has a direction.
Would it have been better to kill several hundred thousand (perhaps millions) more Japanese & allied soldiers with bullets & non-nuclear bombs over a period of months or years or end the war within 72 hours??
Instantly Killed:
Instantly Injured:
December 1945 total death toll:
1950 total death toll:
Instantly Killed:
Instantly Injured:
January 1946 total death toll:
1950 total death toll:
Gonz said:It matters not one iota what they wish. Action needed to be taken & was taken. The death tolls, while horrific, were far less by every account than continuing the war. Had it been 2 American cities would we have subjugated to the Japanese? Not likely.
Gonz said:You may or may not be slying around the racial issue but I can say that there is a perfectly logical explanation why the Japanese got them & not Germany. Germany is surrounded by allies. Japan is surrounded by water. We (the allies) bombed the living shit out of Germany, killing (presumedly) far more civilians than Fat Man & Litle Boy did. The Japanese were a more viscious enemy, the Germans more technologically advanced.
Knowing what I know today & given the same cicumstances as Truman, if I were da boss, I'd ok the bombing.
MrBishop said:Actually...race didn't play into it for me at all. Neither did geography. I was just wondering hwat would've happened in Europe if a) The American's hadn't had the bomb & b) The Japanese had proved to be a more tenacious target.
Would the war with Japan have taken more resources than it did, thus leaving Europe wide open for a more succesful sweep by the Nazis?
habanero said:You are aware that Germany's unconditional surrender was on May 7, 1945, 3 full months before Hiroshima was A-bombed on August 6.
Even if the war with Japan would have taken more resources, Europe was already a done deal.
The war had gone on long enough, and too many had already died, why prolong the war when a quick and final end was in sight?
Yeah, what he said.Gonz said:Had Japan attacked the US in June 1943 with A-bombs of course they'd have been a higher priority. Same if they had A-bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec 7. Germeny still would have fallen because we were fighting a two-front war.