If the first one doesn't get you the second one will...

Leslie you just reminded me of a joke(don't ask why)

Two friends talking:
Guy1: You know when the resurrection comes i know for a fact that my church will be the first to be resurrected!

Guy2: How do you know that?

Guy1: Because the bible says the dead in Christ shall rise first.:D
Take a look at this:
Malaria remains an enormous international medical issue, with 300-500 million cases annually reported.


Internationally, 1.5-3.5 million deaths occur annually. Of these deaths, the overwhelming majority is among children aged 5 years or younger, and 90% of the deaths each year are in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
These deaths are unnecessary, since malaria is preventable and treatable. However, the lack of prevention and treatment due to poverty, war, and other economic and social instabilities in endemic areas results in millions of deaths each year.

SARS gets all the attention in the media becouse it spreads... and becouse not only the poor die. :(
I'm equal opportunity as far as infectious diseases go...I'm afraid of Malaria too...and West Nile, and the Plague, though I don't think that one's made it here as yet, and tuberculosis, and e coli...and on, and on...


I think it's more how easily one can be infected that's so scary, not who's gonna get it...that the virus can live on any surface for over 24 hours out side the body...subway railings...doorknobs...

my home page has an article on it today calling us the pariahs of the world :eh: because it's becoming prevalent.
Leslie said:
This is like the Stand

SARS has about a 5%death rate...less in the west. A pandemic cause serious health concerns but it won't be a 99.9% killer like Mr King scared us with.
Sorry Gonz, i don't have any other news channels. If it's any consolation i also watch Syrian news on C-span at 10pm.