If this is what's cool...

i dont know, i just dont get why some things are ok, and others arent.

*personal rant*
i had a bf (the english online one) who drank and got high, what seemed like pretty often, and then he'd bitch me out when i told him i didnt like that. now, when i used to cut meself... somehow what i did was the worst of everything, because weed is natural, and when you're drunk everything's ok and blah blah bullfuckingshit.

so i got to wonder...

just.... why dont we all leave each other the fuck alone?
i can't always do it, and i'm not claiming that i do.

but wouldnt the world rock, if we all left people to screw themselves up in any way they wish, as long as it's only them (or they have done to them?) ???

no one is forcing you to split your tongue. probably no one will.

we need to learn some respect and acceptance.
i'm with you on this one ash.
if someone wants to do that to themselves, its their body.
they'll be the ones that have to live with it.
Spot said:
they'll be the ones that have to live with it.

That's the problem. They will go on welfare because nobody will hire them & we all pay for it. I have no problem with somebody doing stupid things to themselves but at a point it becomes my inconvenience & that pisses me right the fuck off.
Professur said:
Ash, answer me this. Is it wrong to stop someone committing suicide?

i could go both ways on that one.

the "YES" argument : they want to die, we just want them to stay alive because we'll miss them (and possibly cos we think they could turn their life around, or something equally as easier-said-than-done). if they have no loved ones, just police on top of a building (why is suicide illegal? i never understood that), then who cares. the police are just doing their job. and the person has nothing to live for.

the "NO" argument: suicide IS extremely selfish, because it DOES hurt the loved ones. there could in fact be a chance for a turnaround, and maybe, with the last dying breaths, the person would regret their desision and develop a new will to live -- just moments too late.

so i guess it depends on the person, the person stopping them, whether or not they have anything to live for, etc.
Professur said:
answer me this. Is it wrong to stop someone committing suicide?
I know that was directed at Ash, but that's one that depends entirely on the circumstances. Under certain circumstances, I would not only not stop them, I would help facilitate it.
ash r said:
i dont know, i just dont get why some things are ok, and others arent.

*personal rant*
i had a bf (the english online one) who drank and got high, what seemed like pretty often, and then he'd bitch me out when i told him i didnt like that. now, when i used to cut meself... somehow what i did was the worst of everything, because weed is natural, and when you're drunk everything's ok and blah blah bullfuckingshit.

so i got to wonder...

just.... why dont we all leave each other the fuck alone?
i can't always do it, and i'm not claiming that i do.

but wouldnt the world rock, if we all left people to screw themselves up in any way they wish, as long as it's only them (or they have done to them?) ???

no one is forcing you to split your tongue. probably no one will.

we need to learn some respect and acceptance.

damn right

Professur said:
Ash, answer me this. Is it wrong to stop someone committing suicide?

although directed at ash this is my take. when Sal tried to kill himself earlier this semester we did tell him how we felt and that we dont want him to die. but that isnt our decision to make. dont get me wrong prof im glad hes doing much better now but at the same time its his right. i hold everyone to that. if you want to ill try to talk you out of it but i wont stop you if you choose to do it. its your life not mine
Gonz said:
They will go on welfare because nobody will hire them & we all pay for it

people go on welfare when no one will hire them because they dont have any usefull skills, not because they might look a little odd.

i've worked with plenty of nurses, male and female, that have multiple piercings, large obvious tatoos and/or strange hair colors.
Personally I think it's madness and would never mutilate myself in that way, but then a lot of people thought I was bonkers getting my nose pierced. If they're happy with it that's their choice.... :shrug:
Alrighty, good. We got some good responses. To clarify, I'm not talking euthanasia here. I'm talking a perfectly healthy person wishing to do themselves ill. The existing laws declare that such a person does not have the right to kill themselves. Self mutilation is also proscribed. Someone found with huge scars on their arms from cutting themselves gets a short ride in a white ambulance and a psychiatric exam. Same law applies to both. And (I feel) with good reason. Any arguments so far?

Well, how does slicing your tongue in two, and cutting slashes on your arm differ? Psychological intent, right? The only way to determine psychological intent is with an exam. And the law, as written, requires that said exam take place before said person can be allowed the freedom to further endanger themselves.

I'm no nazi.
as a (former) cutter and a bit of a body modificator, i can tell you there is a difference.

burning, cutting, bruising, etc, done out of a strong feeling (or lack of feelings), such as hate, anger, dissociation, or despair. that is what is usually considered Self Injury, or SI.

Body Modification is more artistic, ritual, or spiritual. although burning (usually branding or cauterising designs) or cutting may be involved, they are in art or spirit (and can often be beautiful). it also includes piercing, and other things such as bone removal, or sewing things up, etc.

so a lot of it has to do with intent. and you don't need an exam to tell what the intent was. it can, strangely, and IF you knwo what to look for, be determined by looking at what the person did, or had done.

i have countless scars on my arms. they are self injury.
i have heart-shaped scar on my hip. it is body modification.
oh, and let me just say, that while both can be considered Self Mutilation, bodymodding usually is not. it's a whole differnet ballpark.

and it is one of those things that helps to know exactly what you're looking for, too.

for one thing, a true self injurer will usually try to hide it, while it's going on, at least. (unless they're just doing it for attention... unfortunately, SI'ing has suddenly become the hip new thign to do for attention)
bodmodders will tend to show it off.
also, their art may be in the form of slashes on their arms, but the way they were crafted tells you a lot about the intent.
are they uniform? neat? somehow aesthetically pleasing?
it's probably bodmod.

that's all
self mutilation= cutting and slashing oneself

bodymods=tats and piercings and such.

what ash said put into simpler terms

ash r said:
burning, cutting, bruising, etc, done out of a strong feeling (or lack of feelings), such as hate, anger, dissociation, or despair. that is what is usually considered Self Injury, or SI.

for most its a way to get the pain out