if you had one wish, what would you ask?

Luis G

Staff member

i'd ask to have unlimited wishes.....(ok, that's cheating and misses the whole point of the question)

probly i'd ask to be immortal, with the choice of dying when i like to.
I'd wish for a long life of wealth, pleasures, and lust, and still go to heaven and be greatly rewarded. :D
Originally posted by Luis G

i'd ask to have unlimited wishes.....(ok, that's cheating and misses the whole point of the question)

probly i'd ask to be immortal, with the choice of dying when i like to.

Evil Genie: OK. You're immortal. Nothing can kill you. BUT!!! You'll still age. You'll still become decrepid. And since nothing can kill you anymore, you don't need to be able to heal, do you? Let's take that healing ability away.

Originally posted by PuterTutor
I'd ask to be the sole heir to the Hugh Hefner Fortune.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Evil Genie: Ok. You get his money. And are promptly sued by every man, woman and child he's ever come in contact with. Plus, you lose a HUGE chunk to the IRS. Oh, and Hugh owed money to the mob, and they want paid .... now.

want to live a quiet life with somebody I love more than any other around, have kids after a few years....oh, and a Audi TT Roadster.

First thing is most important though...
Originally posted by Justintime
hot babes in my room everyday :headbang:

evil genie: you asked for hot babes, but you didn't said what type of hot......there you have your "boiling" babes, dare to touch them :D
nah, is just that nobody cares about making your life more miserable :D

j/k ;)
Originally posted by unclehobart
egads I've had a smidge to drink. Libation excess and lack of proofreading be my downfall...

dang boy .. get outta that there basement and have another beer! :headbang:

and tell Steve to take some pics of y'all celebrating and post 'um so we can see y'all drunk :)

dang - I sound bossy don't I?

Well, what are you waiting for? Scat! Go get them pics and a beer! hehehehe