If you have any spare good thoughts lying around ...


New Member
My little sister just left for Quatar on Wednesday. She's there now and will be for three months. Quatar is a relatively nice place, of the places that she could have been sent (Baghdad, Afghanistan, etc), so that is nice. But she'll be by herself for Christmas (well, and with the troops she meets while she's there) which kind of sucks. We got to spend Thanksgiving together as a family kind of. We celebrated about a week earlier because Sister had to report to Florida the day before Thanksgiving. Then she unexpectedly got orders to Quatar.

Anyway, she just turned 21 last May. She's in the US Air Force. She's a pretty strong person personality wise, so I'm sure she'll do alright there.

But if you have any spare thoughts lying around, could you send them her way?

I've also got a friend that I went to school with (3rd grade - 12th grade) who has been stationed in Baghdad since March of last year. He's still there for several more months. He's in the Army with the tank division and he participates in raids and whatnot. He could use some good wishes this season, too. I know it's hard for him - I believe he's only been home once since he was sent to Iraq and that was for his grandma and aunt's funeral (the grandma they knew about, the aunt was a surprise passing at the same time).

Anyway, just wanted to share. If you have any loved ones stationed overseas, post them here and we can send them some good thoughts, too.
*sending good thoughts to your sis*

A lady I work with has a son in the 101st Airborne division in Iraq. I can tell she has been in knots over the last few months. The 101st has suffered many casualties. We all put together shoe boxes full of stuff to send for xmas gifts. I started a thread about it several weeks ago but I don't think anyone even replied :(
Best wishes and many 'spare' thoughts to your sis and friend Rose and of course to your colleague's son Alex.

Here's hoping they all come out of there OK :)
me too....i've spent christmas by myself on the ship before...it's a little sad at first but i do have fond memories...i hope your sister will too...
*hehe* Well, knowing her she wouldn't mind a few dirty ones, too. But remember - I'm her big sister. So I don't want to hear any of it. ;)

*sending good thoughts too*

I just found out that my neighbor's husband will be shipped to Iraq come January for 18 months. At least they'll spend the holidays together ... I feel for his kids though.
Sending good thoughts for Rose's sister and Alex's co-worker. :)

Rose - is she based at Eglin, Tyndall, or Hurlburt? I'm literally surrounded by Air Force bases here . . . they wake me up early on the days they are out doing turn-and-burn . . . when they hit the afterburners the house rattles. :lloyd:
Sharky said:
Sending good thoughts for Rose's sister and Alex's co-worker. :)

Rose - is she based at Eglin, Tyndall, or Hurlburt? I'm literally surrounded by Air Force bases here . . . they wake me up early on the days they are out doing turn-and-burn . . . when they hit the afterburners the house rattles. :lloyd:

You're in Quatar? :confused:

Thanks, everyone! I have an email from Sister I'll share. It turns out she's much happier than she expected. *lol* I'll post it in a bit.
Rose said:
You're in Quatar? :confused:

Thanks, everyone! I have an email from Sister I'll share. It turns out she's much happier than she expected. *lol* I'll post it in a bit.

Nay, I'm in Florida. When I saw this in your post I wondered if her stateside Air Force base was one of the three surrounding Panama City.

Rose: Sister had to report to Florida the day before Thanksgiving.

I must have misunderstood you. :cool:

*sends more good wishes for Rose's sister*
Oh. That makes a lot more sense. D'oh. Yeah, I don't nkow. She has been stationed in Nebraska at Offit. But the Florida thing was only supposed to be six months. Then she was going back to her 'home' base at Offit. A week or two into the Florida gig she gets orders to Quatar. Something something with some screwed up dates. A week later she gets her permanent orders AND the right dates for Quatar. Permanent meaning the three years in Germany this summer after she returns from Quatar.

Here's the email she sent me earlier. I told you this girl was resiliant! :D I'm so proud of her. I don't tell her that often enough, but I try to remember when I can. We don't get along so well when we're together - she talks and talks and talks and talks and I tend to get annoyed easily. :$ But I don't mean to. She knows I love her though. Anyway, on to the email. :D *beams with pride*

Hey sister,
I hope all is going well. I love this place. Don't worry about me being safe, this is like a mini vacation. In fact I'm kind of disappointed. I thought we would be living in tents and having to hike to the bathrooms and eating MREs. But no, we live in dorms, have glamorous bathrooms right across from our rooms eat in a chow hall for free, (anything you want) have a Subway, Burger King, and Pizza Inn, and we have shuttle service. I'm not complaining but it isn't what I expected either. I'm having a blast. I'm waking these boring desert ridden people up. Someone needs to put a little sunshine in their lives. They are so depressed.

Do you want another mink blanket?? If you do let me know I found a beautiful one here with rose's printed on it. I'm going down town tomorrow!! I'm so excited. They have a 4 story mall here. How crazy is that?

... yadda yadda ...

My Brother-in-law's still in Afghanistan...early stateside was stopped, so instead of coming home in early January, he'll be back in Late Feb. :(

6 months in Quatar....at least teh injuries have been minimal. He's got good odds of coming back unscathed.

Good luck to your sis, Rose! If she gets a TD near Quatar, PM me and I'll give her my bro-in-law's contact info. They can TD together
She's in Al Iudeid. She's safer there than she is driving back and forth to work here in the USA. She also gets a ration card entitling her to 3 beers per day. It's the only base in the AOR that actually permits drinking...besides any naval vessel outside of port, that is. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
She's in Al Iudeid. She's safer there than she is driving back and forth to work here in the USA. She also gets a ration card entitling her to 3 beers per day. It's the only base in the AOR that actually permits drinking...besides any naval vessel outside of port, that is. ;)
i never got a beer day...by all means we should have had one or two...just didn't.....jerks :mope: