If you're a commie and you know it, shout for peace...

I don't know, you guys seem to be doing ok with it so far, I'll have to wait and read an american dictionary in a couple decades to see how you've managed to mess it up :p
flavio said:
....will appear so obviously flawed to those with even a cursory understanding of logic, that it should be clear that the song is in fact a joke with political arguements therefore unnecessary.

There were things in the song that were said for effect rather than accuracy. For example, I don't think that everyone with a PhD is a nihilistic pacifist, nor do I think that everyone who owns a 7-11, even those of middle-eastern descent, wants to see the US destroyed. :)

Still, there's an element of truth there, because the anti-war movement is being led by people in academe, as well as activists in the muslim community.

There's also a lot of truth in my zings at the Democrats. I think the mass of Dem politicians have been rendered impotent on the issue, because regardless of their own convictions, they don't want to be seen cooperating with Bush. It has become part of Democratic myth that Bush stole the election and is not the rightful leader of the country. Cooperating with him might be seen as a betrayal by the Democratic faithful. They're in the position of having to oppose him without actually having any alternative vision of their own for how to go about defending the country. That's what cost them the election.

So, on the whole, I'm willing to stand by the general gist of the poem, if not every little detail. :)
Squiggy said:
Here we go again....The word of the day is HUMOR

Oh, shit... I thought it was HUMORS! :EEK:


One of the four fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, choler, and black bile, whose relative proportions were thought in ancient and medieval physiology to determine a person's disposition and general health.
A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile.
Aqueous humor.
Vitreous humor.
A person's characteristic disposition or temperament: a boy of sullen humor.