Here's a quote from a nice lady who doesn't like you...
Alright, I am sick and fucking tired of all the pre-pubescent Hello Kitty toting bitches who think it’s “cool” to be bisexual. You know what I’m also sick of? The twenty-something bitches who make out with other chicks at a bar to watch the erections pop out of the zippers and to assure that they won’t be going home alone that night. Listen, just because you need a date for the prom or some deep dickin’ in the evenin’ doesn’t mean that you can steal the word that some of us hold so dear.
Kissing with tongue is new and fun!
I’m wondering how you can so blatantly pervert a word? I don’t call myself a nun, you shouldn’t call yourself bisexual. It’s like wiggers calling themselves niggers, and black people are (with reason) upset about it; it’s exactly like that. I believe it’s common decency to use proper words to describe what you’re talking about. This might help;
Here is the definition of Bisexual.
1. Of or relating to both sexes.
2. a. Having both male and female reproductive organs; hermaphroditic.
b. Botany. Denoting a single flower that contains functional staminate and pistillate structures; perfect.
3. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of either sex.
Now, where in that does it say “Will make out with chicks to allure men” or “Is sexually curious” or “Will fuck anything willing”? Nowhere. No-fucking-where.
Listen, there’s a word that we say about chicks who are willing to make out with anyone with a pulse; it’s not “Bisexual”, it’s “Uberslut” okay? Any questions?
As far as you younger women out there, how can you possibly know your sexual orientation at age 13? Or maybe you’re a lesbian because you hold your best friends hand and none of the boys like you because of your acne problem. That’s all well and good, but I perceive you in the same way as those who believe they know they’re straight at age 13. Idiots. Learning your own sexuality is a long and strenuous process, it has to do with compatibility, past experiences, and (believe it or not, omg) love. I don’t understand these people who will fuck whoever it’s popular to fuck. If it becomes popular to fuck a goat, is everyone going to do that? This whole trend-sexual shit has got to stop, and I mean now.
If you're lonely, find the chick with the shortest hair, and the biggest earrings.
How are you so sure in your sexuality, anyway? Because you’ve got a poster of a scantily clad Angelina Jolie sucking on a cherry, you’re obviously as gay as they come, aren’t you? And you go out with your “boyfriend” (He asked me out in third period with a note and we’re going steady omg!) and you piss yourself when he tries to go UNDER the shirt. And you’ve got that one lesbian friend, right? She’s so hardcore, she TOTALLY went into the other room with Janine that one time, and you just BET they were making out like hungry cannibals. She gave you a taste of feminazism and you started to like the whole “hate the penis” thing; but on the other hand, guys make you feel ohsofeminine at that age, when they’re throwing shit at you in the cafeteria and eating your face in between classes. No, I hate to break it to you, but you’re a far cry from vagitarianism.
And the older “bisexuals”… You guys, you really get my goat (lol?). Alright, I understand that you watch Sex & The City and you’re very open sexually. Or more likely, you’re damned horny. But either way. Yes, you’ve bought a sex toy or two, and giggled with your friends over an extra-foam caramel macchiato about it. Every once in awhile if you can’t pick up a strapping fellow at the bar, you ask your special friend over. After pumping her full of vibrator for an hour and then shimmying yourself into your tight skirt, you tiptoe out of the sleeping girls room. Fuckbuddies doesn’t count as a relationship. I call you “bicurious” or, more to the point, “whore”.
My point is, if you wouldn’t commit your life to another woman OR another man, then don’t bother calling yourself bisexual. Just because you’re a fucker doesn’t mean you deserve a title that is now synonymous with girls gone wild and slutty bitches because, and solely because OF YOU.