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molṑn labé
Staff member
just more blah blah blah from teh guvmint

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration and the U.S. intelligence community have had some success in finding Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday.

Sen. Pat Roberts (search) told reporters on a telephone conference call that he couldn't go into detail because the news is classified

i don't know what's worse - the publishing of the evidence before the verification that has so far show it to be false or the government telling us they've got something but we don't need to know yet.

would that be the same sort of not needing to know that brought us the great evidence before we went to war would it? :retard:
would that be the same sort of not needing to know that brought us the great evidence before we went to war would it?
Looks the same, sounds the same. Maybe I'm just cynical, but you don't have to lie to me too many times before I'll simply stop believing you.
Its just wishfull thinking from the Bush administration kind of like children the night before christmas . Ever see any of them (Bush people) talk about the wmds .....they sound like those children . ..........there is a santa clause there is a santa clause...there aint no santa and there aint no wmd's! Time to hang out Bush to dry!
Maybe there is salutary lesson here for the general public in not being so gullible... not that expect them to take any notice...
just how much time are we supposed to give Bush to find these WMDs? He doesn't like giving time for that , you know? :rofl:
there aint no wmd's!

Well now, do you have hard evidence to prove that? Are you calling Bush, Clintoin, Bush, Annan, Hussein, et al, liars? There are WMDs. There have been WMDs. They will be found (probably in Syria & Jordan)

Squiggy said:
just how much time are we supposed to give Bush to find these WMDs?

Take a trip over there & start digging. There are about 25 million back yards & umpteen million other places to look. They could probably use an extra set of eyes & hands.
There is no question of the fact that saddam hussein had, by his own admission, WMDs. The entire world knows it. The entire world always knew it. Back to the original question, from a couple months back. Where are they NOW?
Gonz said:
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I'm just trying to do what he says. :D

Actually, I'm beginning to have doubts here myself. It's not that I think that Saddam didn't have em, I just think he got rid of em. And just how are we going to prove that any that we find in Syria, Jordan, or up on the moon are or were his? We aren't.
Gonz said:
Take a trip over there & start digging. There are about 25 million back yards & umpteen million other places to look. They could probably use an extra set of eyes & hands.

Just another place to look.

Reuters said:
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Under cover of darkness, they climbed over the cemetery wall and leapt from grave to grave in search of booty hidden within the sarcophagi.

The U.S. soldiers on Operation Grave Digger found roughly what they were after in Baghdad's King's Cemetery on Saturday: six AK-47 rifles, five fragmentation grenades, loads of ammunition, bayonets and other weapons including an RPK machine gun.

They also detained half a dozen people, mostly curfew violators but also one man who approached their outer cordon with a 9 mm pistol in his waistband, a grenade in his pocket and papers believed to be plans for an attack.