I'm a New Sister!

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I put them on photobucket

Ross Michael Ayers
Born 7 January 2006 at 10:06 AM
6 pounds 13 ounces
20 1/4" long




Ross and his parents.


Congratulations. Note that while changing diapers little boys will frequently pee at you. Be forwarned. :lol:

Hey, when you did the post about your dad looking at porn you didn't say your step-mom was about to burst. No wonder. I'da gone for a hooker myself, but to each his own.

*Just teasing...*
chcr said:
Congratulations. Note that while changing diapers little boys will frequently pee at you. Be forwarned. :lol:

Hey, when you did the post about your dad looking at porn you didn't say your step-mom was about to burst. No wonder. I'da gone for a hooker myself, but to each his own.

*Just teasing...*

She said her STEPDAD was looking at porn.
FluerVanderloo said:
It's my dad. This is my stepmom's first baby.

hmm, I also never knew you had a brother then...when I saw the pic I assumed he was a step brother...I need to pay better attention.
Nixy said:
She said her STEPDAD was looking at porn.
:blush: Sorry I didn't come right back to be properly chastised, Nixy. I was looking at porn.

You know, they say that memory is the first thing to go. I can't remember what the second thing is.
Congratulations! You're lucky to have a younger brother. I'm the youngest and didn't get that whole experience until I had nieces and nephews. You'll probably be the designated babysitter in no time!

Now go out to the bookstore and buy Goodnight Moon. It's a gem, trust me. :)
greenfreak said:
Congratulations! You're lucky to have a younger brother. I'm the youngest and didn't get that whole experience until I had nieces and nephews. You'll probably be the designated babysitter in no time!

Now go out to the bookstore and buy Goodnight Moon. It's a gem, trust me. :)

Already got it covered. I have Pat the Bunny too.
chcr said:
:blush: Sorry I didn't come right back to be properly chastised, Nixy. I was looking at porn.

You know, they say that memory is the first thing to go. I can't remember what the second thing is.

:lloyd: :winkkiss: