I'm alone.

Shadowfax said:
errr...those people always write the horoscopes in such a general way that there is always something that applies to the people who read them...that's the big trick :)
maybe there is some truth behind astrology, i don't know...don't value them at all though :)
Horoscopes are bullshit, but have you tried an astral map once? I did one on the net these days and it traced even my physical features :eek:

greenfreak said:
Are Leo's supposed to be attracted to Sagittarius? More than a couple of my ex's are Sagittarius.
Yeah, same elemental signs are suposed to match better.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Also, Fire combines more close with Air, and Water with Earth
Hmm, I'm Aries, so I'm Fire, my wife is Pisces, so she's Water, so basically we should hate each other?
I didn't say that. I'm just transmiting what is told by the experts. You also have to consider that Rising and Moon signs count on the equation. I believe compatibility doesn't answer for the whole of the realtionship, but it give you some directions on what it can be. In example: from the people I've known, all scorpios I are jealousy, while no Sagittarius are. They can still be couple but will have to learn how to deal with their differences...
im fine with it. my sis will sometimes visit and i work too so im not alone in the house all the time. even when i am i have my dog there for me so thats cool. plus my neighbours are close so i have company. plus house to myself and noone else!! yay!
I have always been alone. I haven't spent any appreciable time in a room with another person overnight since I used to room with my brother when I was under the age of 6. I would probably freak out as much with another person being around as strongly as you sense the lack of Rusty.