i'm away for a couple of weeks


New Member
job hunting in scandinavia )

i'm visiting my mum and sis tomorrow and lending them my car while i'm off. i fly from heathrow to helsinki [finland] on sunday at 6.50am.

i'm in helsinki for 2-3 days before taking ferry and rail to oslo [norway], via stockholm [sweden]. oslo lasts 3-4 days before another train to copenhagen [denmark] via malmo [sweden].

i fly back on the 16th to heathrow, hopefully with some sort of work lined up. perhaps i'll get an offer i can't refuse and never come back to cardiff *joy*

it seems to be the week to go away, i hope everyone going away has a nice time and the weather stays good for those who don't. i may be on here infrequently but it depends how good the free internet access is and how cheap the cafe's are.

wish me luck, i really want a job out there! )

I wish I was going away this week. :( When I go away everyone will be back. :(
Have fun with the Swedish women. I hear they are the best.

After the Hawaiian women, of course.
he has a missus :D

good luck ris, i hope you get a nice and well paid job :headbang:
i rang a company in oslo this afternoon and its a definite 'nibble' :D

appaerently they need people to work for them but have no space *ris on roof in norwegian winter*