I'm doing a water survey for school

Scn64 said:
I'm doing a water survey for my science class so if any of you would like to answer these 8 questions it would be greatly appreciated.

1. About how many 8 oz. Glasses of water do you drink per day? 4-5

2. What type of water do you drink most often? (choose one)
Filtered tap

3. Do you feel safe drinking tap water?

4. Do you get your tap water from a well or from the city? Both

5. Do you notice a difference in taste between tap water and bottled/filtered water?

6. Your Gender: Male Female

7. What is your age? 39

8. Where do you live? City Columbia City State/country In. USA

Any additional comments: I work for a water purfication manfacturing company, But i still dont use all the systems they reccomend. Our forefathers lived many long years without it.

If you don't want to answer a specific question, such as where you live, you can just leave it blank.

Thanks for your time :)