i'm getting to old for this ...stuff


Well-Known Member
had two patients swing at me. had to help tackle one of them in the ambulance bay.
the guys wife brought him in because she was concerned about some meds he had taken. technically, it was an overdose.
we didnt clear him fast enough for his liking and tried to leave. he couldnt leave until the doctor cleared him as it was an overdose. (a minor one, but an OD none the less. we can hold OD's till the doc says to let them go home) one of the security guards tried to slow him down till help arrived as he was a big boy and she wasnt going to tangle with him alone. i saw her going outside with him, so off i go to help.we are in the ambulance bay trying to convince him to go back in when things escalated quickly. he gave me a bit of a shove and took a swing at me. he missed, but knocked me a bit off balance. he then went and grabbed the security guard in a head lock and the tow of them went tumbling to the ground. i ran over and tried getting him off her. another nurse rushed in but he swatted her aside and she hit her head on the concrete wall in the ambulance bay. me and the security guard are wrestling with him when another security guard and 2 paramedics came rushing out. we finally managed to subdue him until the police arrived and were able to cuff him. cops had to hit him with the pepper spray which, by the way, doesnt taste too good. damn wind.
fortunately no staff got hurt. wet from rolling around in puddles trying to subdue him, but not hurt.
the three of us are pressing charges. turns out this guy has quite a long sheet on him. a "very bad guy" as one of the cops put it. we would have let him go and let the cops go find him, but once he swung at me and put the security guard in a headlock, all bets were off.
the day went downhill from there.
Sounds like you need to pull a few weeks of duty on one of those mammogram wagons that set up shop in grocery store parking lots... just to get back your mojo.
the nurse that hit her head is married to a cop. i'm sure he would have went postal if she didnt convince him to stay home.
temping ideas Les and Unc. i'd probably get bored though. :retard:
days like that are led into over a couple of weeks. like a pressure cooker building up steam. i'm just hoping that was it and we start on a calmer slide for a few weeks.
Mmmm. Can you say "felony"? I knew you could.

Dave, does it get worse with the summer heat, or does that not seem to matter?
Dara is of the opinioin that most ER nurses are adrenalin junkies anyway...

You're right, you are too old for this shit. Best description I've ever heard: "an age where it is generally unwise to let your ass get higher than you shoulders." I've been there for a while myself... :D
Gato_Solo said:
Ignore them, Dave...just carry one of these, and hope they don't have a heart condition...

i only wish. that "do no harm" clause can be a bummer sometimes.

HomeLan, it doesnt matter. usually notice a spike when its been raining or snowing for a long time.

woodman, it went downhill because it got busy as hell and we ran out of beds upstairs. when that happens, things slow to a crawl for the patients and they start getting impatient, which gets the families impatient and so on and so on...

chic,we arent adrenalin junkies. we just thrive on stress. if we dont have 25 things to do at any given time, we tend to get lazy.