I'm going to get a haircut...


Well-Known Member
After much reflection, I have decided to get a hair cut. Not just one, but all of them. Even the sideburns.

Like three years ago I started letting my hair grow a lot between haircuts. It got kinda long... about three weeks ago my friend was like 'You need to get rid of that 'Fabio' haircut' because at the time, my hair was down to my shoulders, and all behind my ears. I started not combing it back, so that I looked somewhat like Nixy in that hair thread a month ago - link - [the first picture, my hair was like that except shorter, just above shoulder length]

I thought it was all cool and shit... but then I thought about it and having long hair sucks. It's annoying to wash and comb, looks bad unless you comb it every 15 minutes (y'know, where there's the hair, then a bunch of single strands like two inches above it and it looks horrible), and requires constant adjustment to stay out of my face. Thats why I had originally combed it back, since it does not get in my face, but after seeing the 'Fabio' commerical during the super bowl, I decided that I didn't want to look anything like that fag. In the summer, or the winter, when I open the car windows (Previous car, the Mazda, which I had before the Olds, had exhaust leaks into the cabin and a crack in the gas tank so the interior smelled strongly of gas, so I would put the window down during the winter, and I kinda got used to it. In the olds, I still always crack it like two inches, especially in parkling lots and stuff where I want to be able to hear), my hair blows into my face and it sucks. Then my friend at work said that he would get me a haircut then teach me how to play rugby so I can get tons of babes in college. My brother, who had hair like mine, except he had bangs which were very frizzy and curly and too long and stuck out to the sides which looked disgusting, just got a haircut and it's very short and he likes it. I'm not going to cut it as short as his, but I thinking under three inches long, compared to 6-8 inches now.

Before and after pics forthcoming.
I cut it when I was like 20 or 21, the reason behind was not style, I simply wanted more airflow through my head, weird huh?

To this date, some girls that knew me with long hair still tell me to let it grow again. they say it is sexy.
I think you should completely shave your head and have it buffed and polished for maximum shine. :D
unclehobart said:
Long hair=fag, huh?

From a long hair... bite me.

No, not at all. Fabio = fag.

I just find having long hair kind of annoying and my friends say that short hair would be better.
Long hair does have that annoying 6 month phase before it truly becomes long enough to ponytail out of the eyes. Its what I call the 'surfer floppy' period.
I started cutting mine short when it started being obvious I was losing it. Nothing says "LOSER" louder than someone with hardly any on top and long hair on the sides (okay, maybe a combover).

Heh, that reminds me that several years ago when asked about having a shaved head, Bruce Willis called it "the combover of the nineties." :lol:
The combover is the worst. I'm trying to convince the bf's dad to get rid of his. Just live with the balding!
chcr said:
I started cutting mine short when it started being obvious I was losing it. Nothing says "LOSER" louder than someone with hardly any on top and long hair on the sides (okay, maybe a combover).

Yep! That's one of the reasons I keep mine short. That, ease of maintenance, and the fact that mine's curly enough that it poofs out on the sides when it gets too long. I end up looking the Bozo the fuckin' clown.
chcr said:
I started cutting mine short when it started being obvious I was losing it. Nothing says "LOSER" louder than someone with hardly any on top and long hair on the sides (okay, maybe a combover).

Heh, that reminds me that several years ago when asked about having a shaved head, Bruce Willis called it "the combover of the nineties." :lol:

unclehobart said:
Long hair=fag, huh?

From a long hair... bite me.

You're past the fabio looking stage :p

Oh and my brother just entered the zone of being able to ponytail all his hair...he only wears it tied back at home though...he's considering cutting it and his gf and my mom are both backing that idea. I haven't seen him in over a month so I have no idea what it looks like...
HomeLAN said:
Yep! That's one of the reasons I keep mine short. That, ease of maintenance, and the fact that mine's curly enough that it poofs out on the sides when it gets too long. I end up looking the Bozo the fuckin' clown.
same here
I wore mine long for twenty years or more. I got tired of messing with it, and went to an old fashioned flat top. Love it. But it took a long time to get used to not having it long.
I have that 'puffy' problem too. The top is straight and flat, but after three inches it gets very curly and puffy. It's like a mushroom.

Ponytails seem kinda pointless to me... sure it gets it out of the face, but might as well cut it short.

Besides, unlike you people, I'm not old. I have another 30+ years before I need to worry about stuff like baldness and grey hair. Plenty of time to have it all different lengths.

I'm not exactly shaving my head either, it's still going to be longer than average. Somewhere around the three inch mark.