I'm gonna fantasize for a sec here...


Kissy Goddess
I went to see the movie The Tuxedo with my little guy yesterday.

Now how cool would that be to have a suit (or outfit) that would let you do anything? You suddenly become this suave debonnaire person who can do anything from Martial Arts to dancing all romanticaly and stuff.

I'd program it to make me exercise every day. Heh.
I just love Jackie Chan. I wanted to see that when it came out but Rusty said we had to wait for it to come out on video. :(

That would be very cool, indeed. But I don't think I would look as good in a tux as I would in a magical green evening gown. :D
Spirit said:
I went to see the movie The Tuxedo with my little guy yesterday.

Now how cool would that be to have a suit (or outfit) that would let you do anything? You suddenly become this suave debonnaire person who can do anything from Martial Arts to dancing all romanticaly and stuff.

I'd program it to make me exercise every day. Heh.

Hehe. You'd look cute in a tuxedo. ;)
worthless piece of crap. no storyline at all.

too bad jackie chan is waisting his talent on shit like that :(
(Thanks Ardsy..heheh)

I watched it through a childs eyes and it was entertaining - I'd watch it again just to see Chan kick butt... I love his moves.