I'm gonna get in trouble from some of you... but...

To quote the late, great Sam Kinison...

[maniacal scream]"If you're gonna pull that fuckin' gun you better use it!!"[/maniacal scream]
i had a bad case of road rage once.
well...more than once but this one was the more memorable of the bunch.
got into a car to car screaming match with a driver behind me. summer night. windows were open. easy to hear stuff being yelled at lights.
i got pissed off and pulled over. the other car pulled over. i jumped out of the car. the other driver and his friend jumped out of their car.
i thought "oh shit".
kept up the yelling match from behind the door. they started walking towards the car. i had my right hand inside the car. (they pulled over in front of me) i wanted to know where the seat was so i could get the hell out of there. guess that made the guys friend nervous cause he quickly convinced the other driver it was time to leave.
i got the hell out of there.
i am still prone to yelling at other drivers but for some reason, i'm not compelled to pull over anymore.
I won't play games. If I decide you're not getting in, you're not fucking getting in. You'll have to clip me.

I don't play screaming or pursuit shit, because I've cut that off early. If you want to chase me to cuss me out or scream in my face, well, that's too fucking bad. These days, you better have some ass behind you, or I'll simply leave you behind.