I'm new here.

Hi Dolphin, and welcome to OTC! :wave:

moving this to the Lobby where we put the intros and whatnot ;)
Whoa :eek5: We're attracting more wildlife....Kewl! Welcome to OTC Dolphin. Careful not to clog your blowhole with the debris floating around here...:D
'ello dolpin.........post lots....swim fast .......and save some sardines for us skinny ones ;) :drink:
Welcome Dolphin - have fun & behave (in any fashion you deem fit.........well, almost any fashion - we do frown upon polka dots & white pumps ;))
we can so wear poka dots!!!

I read the rules polka dot's are allowed, it's bellbottoms that are a banning offence

Hi Dolphin
paul_valaru said:
we can so wear poka dots!!!

I read the rules polka dot's are allowed, it's bellbottoms that are a banning offence

Hi Dolphin
bellbottoms aren't allowed? hmmm...guess i'm a bootcut girl anyway. but i still don't think your getting a pair of jeans on a dolphin....