I'm ... old ... but lucky

Everyone knows what a pearl necklace is, don't they? Good. Just checking to make sure noone had climbed outta our gutter while I wasn't looking.
*lands on nice soft grass*

WOW! There is light up here guys! This is SO cool!:cocktail:
Oh, I never knew what that was called I always just called it by what the act actually is...

isn't even a big deal

I was thinking it must be something super gross or kinky
nalani said:
My son turns 16 tomorrow ... 16 on the 16th ... he's a great kid ...

My son turns 16 tomorrow ... 16 on the 16th ... that makes me ... old.

My son turns 16 tomorrow ... 16 on the 16th .. my mom has a thing about the "golden" birthdays - you know, when your age and your birth date match? I told him to ask for anything (within reason) .... all he wants is a FreeStyle watch. $60 maximum. How many 16 year-olds do you know wouldn't ask for the world when given the opportunity?

My son turns 16 tomorrow. I may be old ... but I'm hella lucky that he's mine.


So how old are you, really? I figured you were around 25...You don't look a day over 27...

As for you, squigg, I think only you, and alex, are older than I am, so the rest of you kids need to go to bed. NOW...:grumpy: :D
Gato - you are a doll :) ... I'll be 35 in July. Doesn't feel like what I would think 35 is supposed to feel like ... but I'm here :D