I'm putting this here as a health article *weak stomachs avoid*

finger owies hurt baaaaaaaaaaaad :(

I think it's gonna hurt for awhile too, a couple weeks at least :sick:
Now that im taking a basket of anti imflam pills... its feeling loads better. It just needed the swell backed of a hair so it could get good bloodflow. It should be to rights in about 10 days I should guess.
Now comes the 'catch 22'. Trying not to reopen it on flexion but still managing to excercise it enough to keep it from stiffening...
Remember not to lift any more weights wit it until it feels better.

<evil doctor>If it still hurts after a few months, we may need to amputate...</evil doctor>
Yes.. its not broken. Its just that the brunt of the impact was dead on the joint of the middle finger. That flex joint is just locked down with swelling and sheer bruising... a lovely little combo for stiffness and pain.
*Vortex curls into fetal position, resting her head on her knees*
Poofie yukey owey poopoo!

Sounds not only stiff and painful but gross!!


*curls up tighter*
Hey, unc. Have you seen those knuckle bandages? They work fairly well on cuts such as yours, but they're kind of hard to find. They look like this...

I went for a classic band aid over the knuckle flexing one because it would help to keep the joint locked into a straight line. Flexing it just isnt on the menu for a few.
Those knuckle bandages don't really flex, they just cover and stay on a knuckle better than the straight kind.
The swelling is subsiding, no sign of infection, knitting up nicely, no real pain to speak of. I can even bend it over halfway now. I figure this thing will be a memory in less than 10 days.
That's good news, looked pretty nasty to begin with. You're lucky it didn't damage the joint more.
Indeed... I need to make it bigger... and jagged. Makes for a good icebreaker at parties. Remember the scar game in Jaws?
I used to have a 'no fear' shirt that said "Scars are trophies for the intense" Methinks my wife must have thrown that one away while I wasn't looking, It's been AWOL for a while now.
just a memory in 10 days...

it sounds like this wound has traumatized me more than it did unc :sick: