I'm trippen


Well-Known Member
the few

As i was thinking about what i was going to type these words typed out before me on the screen. "I'm wrong, the few"

I DID NOT TYPE THEM! and it happened again! wtf!! i shut down all communication with my firewall so it cannot be a trojen, there are no infrared devices connected to my computer. How the hell can this happen?! I swear i am not on any drugs.

Don't make eye contact and back away from the machine slowly. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT! Flip the circuit breaker housing the room that the machine is in. Leave it flipped. Leave the house. Do not return.

You were never there. You saw nothing. Please be on your way now. Thank you.
I'm serious, there has got to be an explanation for this only i don't understand how or what it could be...
Damn! I used to have to pay good cash for drugs to get that experience :crying4:


Sounds like yer've been hacked hex.
Somebody is messing with me, i just don't know how they could. I consider myself pretty good when it comes to security. These weird symbols keep appearing in threes as well.in her the women in the
I did not type that last part.along the long long long in the news and , room and high and I am in her campaign and now only one I am now and then have a day a day in

A virus probably, even if you are not connected to the internet, the virus would still work.
LIKE NO OTHER VIRUS I EVER HEARD OF. My definitions are up to date. I'll have to do a scan. Maybe it's not reading it in the memory for some reason or perhaps it's an unknown virus.
Dude, disconnect from the net and do a search for "files made in the last 24 hrs (or summit like that).........yer can usually find a few clues to wot has happened that way :)
Hex, I've been getting spam with randomly generated script that I assume is supposed to conceal the fact that its spam. Then, in the middle of it all, will be the actual spam...I'm on a mac so it wouldn't bother my puter but there may be something that loads to a PC word program from them. I'll see if I can find one in my mail trash and post part of it. Sounds quite similar...

Here ya go...

beginning drizzling california hypozeuxis hereditas horoscope montevideo spleen uveal hemisphere callosity abrupt nauseating cerumen unshared toreador obtrude incunabula ratten lucid balder , horseshoe dentiform changes unswayed freighter orthoscope takes periclase gimmick oran oceangoing swad cyclades wellness vilipend corsage oleagine eimeriidae precede belarus coldness bobbing tube sticktight gobs trace widowhood akinesis mutiny surprising solon sashimi . abaca matricide shareware fulcrum sleet shades some expedition wildlife catalase struggling aruba agaze rummage greenside tiffin colonial untired tailed rapidly execrate wheatear hepatitis orites billows subversive sideritis drown akin drained elapidae regulars divert nose quinary acreage allknowing waken roil louvre undress indevotion bluewing expanding vexed couvert howling allign icebag asarum eriogonum girlhood vinegar earthborn junction ; trimmed loti warren phycobilin jawless placet hypopitys suspicious engrossing grazing valentine sublimate anatidae eelspear indiscrete ascus unhewn kudu tractility matchbook polecat crumbly beaumont saguntum ashame parse resolvent touched tintamarre ecological clop subsonic polite derogatory acts workings solidago jiggered anomalops ectopistes launching focus fjord slipslop billet waggon ' viricide unamusing shrilling inaffable fronder stoat luminosity amerind worlds velit massively trouvaille actuate nonuple insular limitless unforested jauntiness amazona jiggle sculpin scraper bolero pension plantation crewel corrective brank coverlet jaundice lumberyard province conjurer cercospora dropkicker launcher melursus instroke sportingly , reread assort tetchy normal porcelain biconvex footing pyrenoid gryphon tympani gardener automat dacha debriefing regimen tinamidae pongo kalotermes crotch blowback ochre frantic abundantly headlock deception termitidae seafaring bargain indict corset valencia catacala foregoing occluded bucephalus unsound sightof lingam crumbly virginian farmland ` matt psophiidae interfaith camarista grim misopedia xerography vultu reductio appliance swineherd necropsy friable uneasily bruised grassfire periclase east gauging luger shastra pipedream millimeter madness decurrent unstrung covin marvel gutsy untwist oilman challenge wife wales aquatinta gleba iamb referendum floss seabed ameiurus lagothrix madrilene indicated lithotomy razorblade softish abject merida reverie prothesis spitefully malaise fondre playback bovid sewer polylogy dixit , satisfy articulo toute dreamlike referrible likeness distrain caricatura averting sprinkling resentful brydges flustered cretinism intensely angles driftwood tennis annals shunter fall musical whirligig jacquinia alveolus populate filth statutable affluence vantage wallet okapia rancher cotillon .

FDA approved druugs
No prior prescriiption required on hundreds of drugs saave up to 70%
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I'm letting it type what it want's while i do a scan. The only port i have turned on now is 80 so we'll see what happens. Weird and interesting.in the new
will be .............and the .........the and the .........
.........a day , day to day the new hour and ten to nine and be a way to the a
I'm such a dumbass LOLOL :rofl:

I left my mic on and my speech recognition software was trying to interpret words and sounds it was picking up in the background.
Somebody smack me.
A sing of the newest AI being born...and in Alaska too!!

Sounds like a crossed wire or perhaps you're intercepting packets from another source.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I'm such a dumbass LOLOL :rofl:

I left my mic on and my speech recognition software was trying to interpret words and sounds it was picking up in the background.
Somebody smack me.