I'm wasted...


Well-Known Member
I woke up at 5am this morning with what felt like a fist in my side. After about fifteen minutes of pacing the pain became so excruciating that i had to wake up Leah have her drive me to the er. The doctor thinks it's a kindney stone. So they shot me up with three shots of demorol and gave me a big fat prescription of percocet.
In fact i can barely focus on the screen.
Hope you feel better, soon.

BTW...since you're wasted, how many fingers do I have up. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Hope you feel better, soon.

BTW...since you're wasted, how many fingers do I have up. :D

Not fair... wasn't Hex the same person who got grit and dirt in his eye?? :eek:

Hex, hope you feel better. That's all they're going to do for you, give you painkillers? No xrays or anything?
They took some liquids from me. Oh yeah, they gave me some promethazine as well.
I'm feeling better already. The doctor told me that most people with kidney stones tend to come in to the er screaming so i didn't feel to silly about all my moaning & groaning. I'm feeling better already though.
They not check your urine for blood? Outside of an actual xray, its the best determiner.

I had a kidney stone when I was 19 the size of a jagged garden pea. My urine sample was half blood. It tortured me for 3 weeks. I never saw a single pain killer.
unclehobart said:
It tortured me for 3 weeks. I never saw a single pain killer.

Arrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!! I hurt just thinking about it!

Hope you're better soon Hex, but then again if you like the drugs maybe you don't.... :)
Well..they get me slightly euporic but it's certainly not worth the pain. It's about the male equivolent of giving birth.
Now that I went through such prolonged agony I can pretty much take any other damage in stride. Late November 15 months ago I snapped my ankle rather brutally while visiting a cousin at his workplace. I went into shock three times and managed to calmly bring myself down out of it and get my blood pressure back up before I zonked out. I told my cousin to call for medics if I passed out. I just withdrew into my Fight Club 'power animal' mode and pushed through it by comparing its blase pain levels with the kidney stone of destruction. I think I posted pics of it on JJRs. I don't know if theyve survived. I do remember Prof telling me that I had a butt ugly flipper.
Well since i know this wasn't my stomach i was actually pretty relieved to hear that it might just be a stone. I haven't been one to treat my body to well over the years so at first i was concerned that it mightbe a serious liver or kidney problem. Pain i can handle but i'm not ready to die yet from a bad liver condition or something. I messed up my ankle once just by landing wrong on it coming off a two foot step on a construction project. When i landed i actually bounced because there was no give it my ankle or knee. I didn't even break it but the pain was so excruciating that i almost passed out(like in the car this morning. That was even more painful than the time i had second degree lime(concrete) burns on both my feet. However the most pain i've ever fealt was gastrointestinal pain possibly from food poisoning. It was the only time i can remember wanting to die.
Im found this. It concernes both the medications i was prescribed.

One of the most common drugs adults have been trying to obtain illegally is Promethazine-Codeine, said the agent. Commonly packaged as syrup, the cough medicine turns into morphine once it enters the system and is the new replacement for crack cocaine on the streets, said the agent.
hex a couple years back i passed four stones in a matter of about 6 monyhs. the first one i was laid up in the hospitol for over a week . i got morphine for that. After that episode i started to drink tons of water to help pass them.
HeXp£Øi± said:
However the most pain i've ever fealt was gastrointestinal pain possibly from food poisoning. It was the only time i can remember wanting to die.

I know that feeling. Happened to me last year, each time I tried to go to the movie theatre to see A Beautiful Mind. I remember thinking exactly that, "If I die, the pain will go away." Seems so crazy now to think that way but it was so bad.

Im found this. It concernes both the medications i was prescribed.

One of the most common drugs adults have been trying to obtain illegally is Promethazine-Codeine, said the agent. Commonly packaged as syrup, the cough medicine turns into morphine once it enters the system and is the new replacement for crack cocaine on the streets, said the agent.

Another thing we have in common... I got cough medicine with Codeine a while ago from a doc when I got bronchitis. I've kept it, and each time I get sick, I take swigs from it to sleep because it coats my sore throat. Last time though, I drank too much and barely made it to work the next day. I wound up sleeping in my car for an hour, I think I might have OD'd a little. :eek:

That's serious shit, man. Don't mix too much of it! Promise me you'll be careful. :(