Imagine this...


Someone I know, quite old now, served in the Vietnam War. A movie was made based on his experiences, but I don't recall the title. He was captured, along with a few other soldiers, and interrogated, Vietnam style. They placed the people in a bamboo cage, and submerged the cage into the sea just so that you would not drown.

An attack aircraft passed and gunned down the Vietnamese. However, they were not aware of the people in the bamboo cage. For days they gnawed and chewed on the baboo, damaging their lips, tongue, teeth quite badly, but in the end they managed to get the top off.

They were now free! But the next time an attack aircraft pass they would be gunned down unless they can communicate to the pilot that they are Americans. They wrote a short message on the beach that the pilot could read. What would YOU write?

(Remember, you can't write something like "We are American" because the pilot would assume the Vietnamese down there are just lying and shoot them anyways...)
"Cubs still losers?" "Fuck LBJ" (or Nixon, depends on the year), "send marlboros"
Good job, ris. ;) Care to take on some more complex words? :D

I'd write the following (given the year)

Buicks, Broads, and Buckley. The 3 B's. ;)
Speaking of Buick's. Check this - a 1938 Buick Y-Job concept I snapped at Goodwood earlier this summer. Can't believe it's pre-war. :eek:


buick y-job.jpg, 145.21kb
