Just to update, we have actually had some resolve! I got a second opinion, and REALLY felt comfortable with this doctor. She spent time talking to Peanut about her nightmares and about school, home, ect. She dosen't seem to think Peanut actually has a sleep disorder, but maybe is just so thrown off key. Peanut's life has been so regimented since she was born...meals, bath, bed all at a certian time. And in the last two years everything has changed. Mommy and Daddy split, we moved in with family, Daddy left for over seas (she didn't see him for 6 months), we moved into a new home, she got a new man in her life, new sibiling figures who come and go...all very changing and confusing. Also, three very key people in her life, my mother, grandmother, and grandfather, became very sick this year and her relationships with them changed a great deal. Now, while all of this will teach Peanut that life changes and that is good, this doc believes that the confusion of it all has manifested itself in the form of bad dreams. As she settles into her new life and matures and understands more she should outgrow them. In the mean time she suggested VALERIAN ROOT to help calm her into restful sleep. We used it last night and both of us slept all night IN SEPERATE BEDS! I feel like a new woman!