Impeach the Bastard


molṑn labé
Staff member
A few months ago, there was an uproar in Alabama over a State Supreme Court Justice disobeying the rule of law.

Where is the uproar in San Francisco?

This is not about gay marriage. This is about rule of law. As soon as the government officials begin disobeying state laws & suggesting their constituents also disobey law, it is anarchy. That is precisely what the Mayor of SF is doing by allowing & suggesting his city offices to disburse marriage licenses to gay couples.

The state of California citizens passed a referendum making marriage legal only between an unmarried man & woman. What would this Mayor have to say to his constituents when they want heroin sold in City Hall? He has set precedent hasn't he, to disobey the law? Judge Moore used his own money to purchase, move & place the sculpture. Mayor Gavin Newsom is using state funds to play his political hand.

Where are the police?

Where is Gov Arnold?

When is the impeachment?
doubtful it will happen gonz. and would you be upset if gay marriage was legal and hed allow it? what if it was legal and he didnt allow it? and anarchy would imply there is no govt at all and people can get away with anytihng.
freako104 said:
doubtful it will happen gonz. and would you be upset if gay marriage was legal and hed allow it? what if it was legal and he didnt allow it? and anarchy would imply there is no govt at all and people can get away with anytihng.



No government is what you have when the head of government is persuading the locals to rebel.
i thought that we would because they are still the govt and they are still telling the people what to do. what happens to those in ca who disobey that?
Well apparently Gov. Arnold has deemed the marriages as "illegal". You can bet he's been getting a bit of pressure from ol' Dubya.

What I still don't get is the big uproar about "the people don't want this and it's not up to the judges to decide what the people want" sentiments coming from The Hill ... yet thousands of people have already demonstrated that this is something that is VERY MUCH wanted.

I guess they're just saying homosexuals are too dumb to know what's good for them. Hell, next they won't even be allowed to vote.
The thousands of people who do want this don't trump the tens of thousands who don't. The referendum won 61-39...landslide numbers.

But again, this isn't about the marriage, it's about the law. A huge swell of disinterest in whether the law is followed is good for our enemies.
Gonz said:
The thousands of people who do want this don't trump the tens of thousands who don't. The referendum won 61-49...landslide numbers.

But again, this isn't about the marriage, it's about the law. A huge swell of disinterest in whether the law is followed is good for our enemies.

Holy cow, they counted 110% of the vote!?!?!?!?!? Please check your figures again.

BTW, Gonz those are percentages of the 15% of voters who actually cared enough one way or the other to vote. There is no hue and cry because by and large no one gives a shit. I would refer you to your very own poll. All the California vote really proved is that the religious right were pretty good at getting their sef-righteous contituency to the polls when that was on the ballot. It's an unconstitutional law and it's wrong.
It looks better when fixed :D

Nice theory, the religious right got out the vote & still it's a Democrat stronghold. hmmmm

Prop 22 yea-4,618,673 61.45 nay- 2,909,370 38.6%

this was the same ballot that Al Gore won ;)

a map shows the large portion of teh state that voted for 22

Wow. Isn't that SF?
chcr said:
Holy cow, they counted 110% of the vote!?!?!?!?!? Please check your figures again.

BTW, Gonz those are percentages of the 15% of voters who actually cared enough one way or the other to vote. There is no hue and cry because by and large no one gives a shit. I would refer you to your very own poll. All the California vote really proved is that the religious right were pretty good at getting their sef-righteous contituency to the polls when that was on the ballot. It's an unconstitutional law and it's wrong.

the religious right usuallydo although they are a miniority they have such a loud voice and whatnot. they have that impact. religion has become political thanks to them
its about morality but morals create laws create morals. sorry if that is vague but the morals create laws and we in turn follow the laws and that judges our morality. they want it to be about the law. to them its about morality. tho if you read the Bible there isnt much morals in it. unless killing,rape,incest,lying and the like are morals
Rose said:
Bullshit it's about the law. Bull. Shit.
And civil disobedience is an acceptable way to protest unjust laws. Laws are not carved in stone, they are enacted by people. If you think a law is unjust, I think it's your duty as a citizen to make your voice heard. It's one of the costs of freedom. In fact, it's the reason we are America. It's not about morality per se. It's about an extremely vocal minority trying to impose their morality on everyone else.
Civil dosobedience by a MAYOR??? No, that's called dereliction of duty.
The Governator said:
"Our civilized society and legal system is based upon a respect for and adherence to the rule of law," Schwarzenegger wrote in a letter to Lockyer. "The City and County of San Francisco's unfortunate choice to disregard state law and grant marriage certificates to gay couples directly undermines this fundamental guarantee."

The Republican governor "feels that we've come to a point where we're starting down a dangerous path and it leads to anarchy at some point," Stutzman said. "It's time for this to end."
So there's actually a law in the books in California specifically prohibiting the marriage of two same-gendered people?
Yes. It was passed in Nov 2002 (see above map)

SECTION 2. Section 308.5 Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
Gonz said:
Civil dosobedience by a MAYOR??? No, that's called dereliction of duty.

If you think a law is unjust, I think it's your duty as a citizen

Governator said:
"Our civilized society and legal system is based upon a respect for and adherence to the rule of law,"

Umm... Boston Tea Party, anyone? American Revolution?? I guess by these standards we should now say we're sorry, it was all a mistake and swear allegiance to the queen.
Nice small problem, they weren't the Mayor of Boston telling the government employee's to break the law.

If he quit his job as Mayor in protest of the law, then you'd have an argument worth noting.