In case some of y'all forgot

They needed a study to tell them that? I could've told them that, even waaaaay back when I was known to do that.
Long term heavy toking definitely has it's effects, like long term heavy drinking, still in favour of decriminalization.

Even though I no longer smoke it.
Rule #1 - everything in moderation

/me inhales

" 'ere!! "

**I don't toke...but I still think that the police are wasting huge amounts of manpower on something which should be decriminalized and taxed to all hell :)
I haven't noticed a difference, not from before I smoked, not while I smoked, or after I quit. I did notice my intake of snacks decreased since quitting.
One problem is that it's difficult for studies such as the current one to establish a definite cause-and-effect relationship between marijuana and intellectual deficits, Dr. Lambros Messinis, the study's lead author, told Reuters Health.
another non-story.....
tonksy said:
I haven't noticed a difference, not from before I smoked, not while I smoked, or after I quit. I did notice my intake of snacks decreased since quitting.

I didn't notice the decline durring my heavy-smoking days (daily), but noticed my mind got quicker when I cut back to being a weekend warrior...but when I stopped all together I didn't notice another improvement.
It seems i also have to make a point to drink as much water as I did when I smoked....but I suppose that is a no brainer.
So one side says decriminalize it & another is trying to criminalize cigarettes. I love this country.
Ye know, with all this overcrowding of earth, may I suggest we forget about telling people not to use drugs etc? Mayhap the posters should read (as suggested by Casper de Vries - hilarious local comedian) : "To the youth: Use drugs, die....we need the space"