In with the lunch lady


Staff member
The lady that works in the lunch room is my mom's friend so whenever I want to buy something for lunch I can go down to the cafeteria as soon as the sandwiches are delivered and claim which ever one I want and she puts it away in a secret fridge for me! She even orders stuff especially for me sometimes!

Today's lunch is a ham and cheese sandwich. I normally have turkey and cheese when I buy a sandwich but the guy didn't bring any of those today. OH WELL! Ham is good too! :D
Yeah :(

You never told me what kind of kitchen you work in!

The lunchlady is actually the same lady that will be watching my doggie when I go on vacation!
It's a kitchen in an elderlyhome :headbang:

We have like..well..100 chicks around there :headbang: The youngest chick is like....65 years old :headbang:
And there are some guys around there too.

Most of the time the people are whining about the food, it's never enough, or it's too much, too cold, too warm, too spicy, too bla!

But it's kinda fun to work there, only sometimes it gets really boring!

Oh, and let her take good care of your doggie!
She will! She is afraid the doggie will bark though...stupid dog was barking at 2:30 this morning! She misses my mommy!
That's one good thing of having a rabbit as pet: they don't bark!

But they're not as much fun as dogs though...
My dog is fun because she gets REALLY excited when I come home in the evening!
that was over 2 hours ago Ku'u!

He ate his lunch just after I ate my breakfast and his dinner right after my lunch!
kuulani said:
You guys are talking about eating lunch and dinner ... and I didn't even have my breakfast yet :p

1:53pm here, i haven't eat breakfast, yet......

nah, i better wait for the big meal :D
Nixy said:
that was over 2 hours ago Ku'u!

He ate his lunch just after I ate my breakfast and his dinner right after my lunch!

Both of you were eating 6am my time. That was when I was trying to force myself out of bed ... :D