In your fridge...

Aah, fish. Fried coalfish the way daddy makes it, ain't nuth'n better on this earth..

Well, maybe taco's, but that's it.
Starya said:
Aah, fish. Fried coalfish the way daddy makes it, ain't nuth'n better on this earth..

Well, maybe taco's, but that's it.

You probably don't know how that sounds down here in the gutter, but I'm giggling my ass off.
SouthernN'Proud said:
And can't nobody but a Southerner properly prepare catfish. I'll give Boo the benefit of the doubt cuz I think she learned how from a Southerner. Plus, I already gave her her Honorary Southerner Card years ago... :winkkiss:
*proudly dons Honorary Southerner Card in Yankeeville* :swing:
Starya said:
Over here pop comes in bottles of 0.5 and 1.5 litre, and look pretty much the same apart from size. Back when I was young *cough* they had 1 litre bottles (later it became 1.5), these looked more like yours, and were kinda "soft" and hard to pour from.

In some stores here, you can buy a 3-liter bottle. Both Coke and Pepsi offered them for a while, but now it seems the only 3-liter bottles on the shelf are generic/store brands.

The sizes here are: 12 ounce (.35 liter), 16.9 ounce (.5 liter), 20 ounce (.60 liter), 1 liter (Pepsi only), 2 liter, and 3 liter. 20 ounce is the most common.
Nixy said:
...what's one thing you ALWAYS have in your fridge? What's one thing you try to NOT keep in your fridge cause if it's there you just eat and eat and eat it til it's gone?

Hm, let me see. The one thing I can't possibly do without in my fridge are Senseo coffee pods. Coffee is my religion, and Senseo is my church. Right now, I have four different varieties in my fridge/freezer: Regular Roast, Dark Roast, Irish Cream, and Hazelnut. The coffee itself is made by Douwe-Egberts, arguably one of the best coffees in the civilized world. And coffee creamer (or half-and-half) must be in there as well. I will not put milk in my coffee. If no creamer, I will drink it black.
unclehobart said:
Folgers is just plain shit... but Sanka is the coffee antichrist.

It is true that I detest instant coffee. Its a moot point with me anyway as the process of making instant coffee is adhering the flash freeze with a corn syrup shellack. I couldn't drink it even if I wanted to.

Welcome to my private hell:

mmmmmmmmm Ontario Corn :D
mondomondo said:
In some stores here, you can buy a 3-liter bottle. Both Coke and Pepsi offered them for a while, but now it seems the only 3-liter bottles on the shelf are generic/store brands.
Wow. I can only imagine how yummy that last liter is. :alienhuh:
They were meant for birthday parties and such when all of the Coke would be consumed in a mere hour or so. I wouldn't want to have a slowly dying 3 liter bottle in my fridge either.
Starya said:
Wow. I can only imagine how yummy that last liter is. :alienhuh:

It's al aunt drinks 4 or 5 litres of diet coke a day...for one who doesn't drink much pop like me a 2L bottle is ick by the time I near the end...
Wow. That's a lot of pop in a day. Although I can kill off 1.5 litres of Pepsi Max on a friday or saturday.
There may be no food in my fridge at times, but you can rely on butter (real only) and half and half.
Professur said:
Having one beer at lunch doesn't exactly impair my screwdriver abilities. I'm not operating heavy machinery, y'know

In fact, when I'm on the road, one beer with a meal is accepted for the expense account. A glass of wine would be too.

People I work with have beer with lunch when we go out sometimes. Today we had lunch on the company's dime cause it was a very valued employee's last day (he's getting a job closer to home because his kids are getting older and want to spend more time with him) and many people ordered beer (just one each) and the company even paid for that :)

Oh, and HL...the HR guy was there and had a beer himself. Aswell as many of the big shots.
I'm thinking that one of these days, I should get new fridge pics up because I moved and have a different fridge since I posted the old ones.