
A 50/50 solution of peroxide and water will help keep the place clean and disenfected.

Don't use pure peroxide --- it's far too strong and can kill new tissue.
Perhaps this means nothing to some - but it sure as shit did to me. I'm not SO vain that I will risk my hearts' health.:rolleyes:

The doc gave you antibiotics and you tried those for a week before you removed the piercing and you removed it cause it wasn't improving. She noticed puss for 2 days, changed her washing regime a bit and hasn't seen anymore. Obviously if it was not getting better or getting worse then we wouldn't keep telling her to just keep washing it...but she caught it fairly early and seems to have headed it off. Your heart isn't going to be damaged at the first sign of infection in a piercing, most piercings get infected at some point, for a few days. Obviously if the infection shows no signs of improving or gets worse then one should consult a doctor and remove the piercing if they recommend it but it needn't be the first course of action at the first sight of puss, the doc didn't seem to see a problem with you leaving yours in for a week when it was bad enough to need antibiotics...obviously having a piercing infected for a long legth of time isn't a good idea but this has only been a couple of days.
You get an epidural in the center of your back- (believe me I've had 3), a tramp stamp is way lower than that.
Not that I have a tramp stamp...I've thought about getting 3 or 4 dancing Grateful dead bears there least not now....and if I did it would be more of a lower back piece than a tramp stamp.
You get an epidural in the center of your back- (believe me I've had 3), a tramp stamp is way lower than that.
Not that I have a tramp stamp...I've thought about getting 3 or 4 dancing Grateful dead bears there least not now....and if I did it would be more of a lower back piece than a tramp stamp.

Well, maybe it's not specifically a tramp stamp that gets in the way but there was a whole thing on the news about tattoos preventing some women from getting epidurals...I think thier message was if you wanna get something on your back and think you may one day have kids then you should check with a doc about the placement to be sure it won't affect your ability to get an epidural.
Makes sense...but it is an odd place for a women to get tattooed. Women generally chose the tramp stamp or the shoulder blades when it comes to tats - generally speaking.
Update: I found out that I can only use titanium jewelry. The jewelry that was causing all of my problems wasn't titanium, so I switched it out to something that was, no problems since.
yeah, stainless steel, which is what's usually put in new piercings, still contains a little bit of nickel, if i'm not mistaken.

and earlier in this thread, i said i might take out my industrial, but now it is almost all healed, and doing much better :)
My friend has the same issue Fluer, the only issue is that when she buys jewelry she has to buy fairly expensive stuff cause she needs to wear atleast 18k gold I believe it is.