Infested with Stinkbugs


Staff member

:grumpy: I'd take ladybugs over this anyday! They're dive bombing me as I'm sitting here! :grumpy:

And yes, if they feel threatened, they STINK!
lol, I managed to put this in the wrong forum, ah well Shadow needed some work :D
dive bombing? D

what did you do to them? eek

[edit ik was wondering between RW and L&L...but i was kinda sure that you didn't love the animals P]
...if you kill them, they smell just as bad. Hard to get rid of them. Luckily we only had them in our wood supply in our garage. Dumping all of the wood outside and spraying the bugs killed them... they liked us for one summer... haven't been back since :D
I've got them all over the house, they really like the bathroom. They're dive bombing me now, sitting right here. :eek:
I think the snow chased them inside, maybe the spiders'll get them eh? :D
damn insects, i think we don't have those thou, use some insecticide to kill them.